emission | n 1. act of sending forth, a. (smoke, fluid, etc) pengeluaran: the ~ of noxious fumes from factories, pengeluaran wasap beracun dr kilang-kilang; b. (heat, light, etc) pemancaran: the ~ of heat can be controlled by insulation, pemancaran haba boleh dikawal dgn penebatan; the sun’s ~ of light, pemancaran cahaya oleh matahari; 2. thing emitted, pancaran; (phys & physiol) emisi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
transmission | n 1. act of transmitting, a. (message, information, etc) penghantaran; (programme etc) penyiaran; (radio or TV signal) pemancaran: ~ of the radio programme was interrupted by a technical fault, penyiaran rancangan radio itu terganggu oleh sebab kerosakan teknikal; b. (energy etc) penghantaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jam1 | vt 1. cram, (act.) menyumbatkan, memadatkan; (pass.) padat, sendat, penuh: a drawer ~med with clothes, laci yg padat dgn pakaian; 2. wedge immovably, (act.) approp v [n] + /tersepit, terjepit/; (pass.) tersepit, terjepit: he ~med the table between the cupboard and the wall, dia meletakkan meja itu tersepit di antara almari dan dinding; the child got his fingers ~med in the door, jari anak itu tersepit di celah pintu; 3. fill by crowding, penuh sesak: crowds of people ~med the main streets, jalan-jalan besar penuh sesak dgn orang ramai; 4. cause to become locked, stuck, menyebabkan [n] + approp v: the sudden application of the brakes ~med the wheels, menekan brek dgn tiba-tiba menyebabkan roda tdk dapat bergerak; to ~ the typewriter keys, menyebabkan mata mesin taip tdk dapat ditekan; 5. (radio) mengganggu: to ~ the enemy’s station, mengganggu stesen pemancaran musuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |