amelioration | n pembaikan: the ~ of living conditions, pembaikan keadaan hidup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
repair | n 1. act, process of repairing, pembaikan, membaiki; be in need of ~, perlu dibaiki: the house is in need of ~, rumah itu perlu dibaiki; beyond ~, hingga tdk dapat dibaiki: the car was damaged beyond ~, kereta itu rosak teruk hingga tdk dapat dibaiki; under ~, sedang dibaiki: road under ~, jalan sedang dibaiki; 2. instance of repairing, pembaikan: he is making a few ~s to the fence, dia sedang membuat beberapa pembaikan pd pagar itu; in /good, bad, etc/ ~, in a /good, bad, etc/ state of ~, dlm keadaan /baik, teruk, dll/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
running | ~ battle, pertikaian yg berpanjangan; ~ repairs, pembaikan kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rectification | n 1. correction, pembetulan, pembaikan, membetulkan, membaiki: all these abuses need ~, semua penyalahgunaan ini perlu dibetulkan; 2. (geom) pelurusan; 3. (chem) penulenan; 4. (electr) penerusan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
show | the repair has been well done and doesn’t ~, kerja pembaikan itu dibuat dgn teliti sekali sehingga tdk nampak apa-apa kesan; the results of all our hard work are only now beginning to ~, hasil kerja gigih kami hanya sekarang mula kelihatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concrete | adj konkrit: they presented ~ proposals for improvement, mereka mengemukakan usul yg konkrit utk pembaikan; a ~ example, contoh konkrit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
off | before you start on the repairs, make sure the electricity is ~, sebelum kamu memulakan kerja-kerja pembaikan, pastikan suis utama dimatikan terlebih dahulu; b. (due to power failure, repair work, etc), (of light) padam, mati; (of machine, electrical appliance) mati, tdk berjalan, terhenti; (of electricity, water supply) tdk ada: the fan is ~, kipas ini mati; the electricity is ~ again, bekalan elektrik tdk ada sekali lagi; c. (due to mechanical fault) rosak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slipshod | adj sloppy, cincai, cuai: a ~ essay, esei yg cincai; the repair-work was done in a ~ way, kerja pembaikan itu dibuat dgn cara yg cuai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
skill | with ~, dgn mahir: the repair was done with such great ~ that it’s difficult to detect the flaw in the statue, kerja-kerja pembaikan dibuat dgn begitu mahir sehingga sukar utk mencari kecacatan pd arca itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
undertaking | 2. (fml) promise, janji; give an ~, berjanji: he has given us his ~ that the repairs will be completed on time, dia berjanji kpd kami bahawa kerja-kerja pembaikan itu akan selesai pd masanya; I gave an ~ to do my best, saya berjanji utk membuatnya sedaya upaya saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |