wastage | n pembaziran: ways and means of preventing ~ of manpower, cara-cara utk mencegah pembaziran tenaga manusia; a great ~ of materials, pembaziran bahan-bahan yg banyak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
profligacy | n (fml) pembaziran: ~ and gambling were rife in the town, pembaziran dan perjudian berleluasa di bandar itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
waste | n 1. loss, wrong use, pembaziran, membazir: it would be a ~ of money if the job were not completed in time, adalah satu pembaziran wang kalau kerja itu tdk diselesaikan tepat pd masanya; what a ~ of good food! It could be given to the poor, alangkah membazirnya! Makanan itu boleh diberikan kpd orang miskin; a ~ of time, /membazir, membuang/ masa; /go, run/ to ~, terbuang: the tank overflowed and gallons of water went to ~, air tangki itu melimpah dan bergelen-gelen air terbuang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissipation | n 1. act of, a. (disappearing) hilangnya, lesapnya: the ~ of the mist, kabus itu hilang; b. (fig.) hilangnya, lesapnya; 2. waste, pembaziran, penghamburan: the ~ of valuable resources, pembaziran sumber yg berharga; 3. pursuit of frivolous amusement, berfoya-foya: his was a life of ~, dia hidup berfoya-foya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extravagance | n 1. wasteful spending, keborosan, sifat boros: he will have to curb his ~ if he wants to save any money, dia mesti mengekang keborosannya jika dia ingin menyimpan wang; 2. instance of this, pembaziran: her fur coat is needless ~, kot bulunya ialah pembaziran yg tdk perlu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scandalous | 4. offensive, approp n + melampau: buying a car at that price is a ~ waste, membeli kereta pd harga yg semahal itu ialah satu pembaziran yg melampau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consume | the project ~s a great deal of his time, projek itu memakan banyak masanya; the country ~s much of what it produces, negara itu banyak menggunakan hasil keluarannya; these extravagances soon ~d his fortune, pembaziran begini akhirnya menghabiskan hartanya; 3. destroy by burning, habis /dijilat, dimakan/: the fire ~d a whole block of offices, seluruh blok pejabat habis dijilat api; 4. (often in pass.) overwhelm, dilanda: she was ~d with envy, dia dilanda perasaan iri hati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intolerant | adj tdk bertoleransi: an ~ fanatic, fanatik yg tdk bertoleransi; be ~ of, tdk + approp v: she’s ~ of criticism, dia tdk tahan dikritik; a politician who is ~ of opposition, ahli politik yg tdk dapat menerima sebarang tentangan; some people are ~ of new ideas, sesetengah orang tdk mahu menerima idea-idea baru; to be ~ of any form of excess, tdk tahan melihat sebarang pembaziran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |