holder | n 1. so. who occupies office, job, etc, penjawat, pemegang: the ~ of this important position has many responsibilities, penjawat jawatan penting ini mempunyai tanggungjawab yg banyak; job ~, penjawat kerja; 2. so. who possesses, a. (shares, degree, etc) pemegang: ticket ~s, pemegang tiket; lease~, pemegang pajak; a scholarship ~, pemegang biasiswa; b. (of world record etc) penyandang, pemegang; 3. device for holding st, pemegang: cigarette- ~, pemegang rokok; pen- ~, pemegang pen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
redeem | vt 1. recover by payment, menebus: he ~ed his gold chain from the pawnshop, dia menebus rantai emasnya dr kedai pajak; 2. convert (bonds, shares) into cash, menebus; (voucher, coupon) menukar: shareholders who ~ed their shares, pemegang-pemegang saham yg menebus saham mereka; you may ~ your voucher at the reception desk, kamu boleh menukar baucar kamu di kaunter penerimaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stakeholder | n 1. (in betting, race) pemegang taruh; 2. (leg.) pemegang amanah harta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
preference | n 1. a greater liking, [sso] lebih suka: I have a ~ for historical novels, saya lebih suka novel sejarah; 2. thing that is liked better, pilihan, yg [sso] lebih suka: what is your ~, red or blue?, apa pilihan kamu, merah atau biru?; 3. favour shown to one person, group, keutamaan: ~ will be given to members of the organisation, keutamaan akan diberi kpd ahli-ahli pertubuhan itu; shareholders will have ~ over non-shareholders in the new issue, berbanding dgn bukan pemegang saham, pemegang saham akan mendapat keutamaan dlm pengeluaran saham baru itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bearer | n 1. carrier (gen) pembawa; 2. carrier of equipment etc (as in expedition) pembawa (barang), tukang /bawa, pikul/ (barang); 3. carrier of coffin, palanquin, stretcher, etc, pengusung; 4. presenter of cheque, letter, etc, pembawa: the ~ of this letter, pembawa surat ini; a cheque payable to ~, cek utk dibayar kpd pembawanya; 5. courier (of news) pembawa: the ~ of good news, pembawa berita baik; 6. holder of position, office, etc, pemegang: office ~, pemegang jawatan; 7. support under floor, gelegar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deadhead | n 1. free ticket-holder, pemegang tiket percuma; 2. useless, unenterprising person, orang yg tdk berguna, hampas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
holdfast | n 1. (biol) pelekap; 2. (archit) pemegang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lug 2 | n 1. projecting piece, like a handle, pemegang, cuping; 2. see LUGHOLE. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handgrip | n 1. grasp of the hand, genggaman: a firm ~, genggaman yg kuat; 2. (handle) pemegang; 3. hilt, hulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wind2 | vt 1. rotate about a pivot, memusingkan: you ~ this handle to open the window, kamu pusing pemegang ini utk membuka tingkap itu; 2. also ~ up, tighten spring of (watch, clock) by turning knob etc, mechanism, mengunci: I forgot to ~ the watch and it stopped, saya lupa hendak mengunci jam dan jam itu terhenti; 3. turn or twist (st) repeatedly round an object, melilitkan, membelitkan: the wool is wound into balls, benang bulu itu dililitkan menjadi bebola; she wound the scarf around her neck, dia melilitkan skarf itu di keliling lehernya; ~ itself, membelit; (accidentally) terbelit pd: the snake had wound itself around the table-leg, ular membelit kaki meja itu; the umbilical cord had wound itself around the baby’s neck, tali pusat telah terbelit pd leher bayi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |