swallow 1 | the leaders had no choice but to allow the Liberal Party to be ~ed up by the SDP, pemimpin-pemimpin Parti Liberal tdk ada pilihan lain kecuali membenarkan parti itu diserap oleh SDP; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ferment | vt 1. menapaikan: to ~ grapes, menapaikan buah anggur; 2. (fig.) menyebabkan [n] bergolak: his speech has ~ed discord among the military leaders, ucapannya menyebabkan perselisihan bergolak di kalangan pemimpin-pemimpin tentera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
loot | vt 1. plunder during war etc, /menjarah, merampas/ barang-barang (di): the rioters broke windows and ~ed the shops, pemberontak-pemberontak itu memecahkan tingkap dan merampas barang-barang di kedai; 2. steal, mencuri: corrupt leaders conspired to ~ the treasury, pemimpin pemimpin yg korup bersekongkol utk mencuri harta perbendaharaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
oneness | n 1. (of God) Maha Esa; 2. singleness, satu; 3. sameness, kesamaan: the ~ of the twins, kesamaan anak kembar itu; 4. unchangeability, yg tdk berubah-ubah: the ~ of the desert landscape, pandangan padang pasir yg tdk berubah-ubah; 5. unity, perpaduan: the ~ of the people and their leaders, perpaduan antara rakyat dan pemimpin-pemimpin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
divide | vt 1. (math) membahagikan: to ~ 400 by 6, membahagikan 400 dgn 6; 2. also ~ up, separate, membahagikan: to ~ the class into two groups, membahagikan kelas itu kpd dua kumpulan; he ~s his time equally between work and relaxation, dia membahagikan masanya sama rata antara kerja dan istirahat; ~ and rule, pecah dan perintah; 3. also ~ up, share, membahagi-bahagikan: the cake was ~d among 6 people, kek itu dibahagi-bahagikan antara 6 orang; to ~ profits, membahagi-bahagikan keuntungan 4. cut off, memisahkan, mengasingkan: the stream ~s his farm from his neighbour’s, anak sungai itu memisahkan ladangnya drpd ladang jirannya; 5. cause to disagree, (act.) menyebabkan [n] tdk bersepakat; (pass.) tdk bersepakat: the party leaders were ~d over the issue, pemimpin-pemimpin parti tdk bersepakat ttg isu itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
matriarch | n 1. (anthrop) matriark, ibu pemimpin suku bangsa; 2. old powerful woman, raja, ketua: my grandmother is a real ~, she rules all of us, nenek saya benar-benar merupakan raja, dia memerintah kami semua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plot1 | vt 1. plan, conspire, /merancang komplot, berkomplot/ utk: the secret society ~ted the assassination of the leader, kongsi gelap itu telah berkomplot utk membunuh pemimpin tersebut; 2. plan (st) by making a map, diagram, etc, merancang [sst] (dgn membuat peta, gambar rajah dll): the President ~ted the country’s future development, Presiden itu merancang pembangunan masa depan negara tersebut; 3. make a plot for novel etc, membina plot; 4. mark course of plane or ship, menentukan arah: to ~ aircraft movement by radar, menentukan arah kapal terbang dgn radar; 5. mark the points on a graph, memplot: he ~ted a graph to show the increase in production, dia memplot graf utk menunjukkan pertambahan dlm pengeluaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
revolutionary | adj 1. involved in political revolution, revolusi: a ~ leader, pemimpin revolusi; ~ army, tentera revolusi; 2. involving complete change, revolusioner: ~ ideas, idea-idea revolusioner; a ~ method of manufacturing cars, kaedah yg revolusioner dlm pengilangan kereta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
visionary | adj 1. endowed with imaginative foresight, mempunyai /visi, wawasan/: a ~ leader, pemimpin yg mempunyai visi; 2. existing only in the mind, fanciful, dlm khayalan: all his ~ schemes ended in disaster, segala rancangan dlm khayalannya berakhir dgn kemusnahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
venerable | adj 1. commanding respect through age and wisdom, dihormati: a ~ leader and statesman, pemimpin dan negarawan yg dihormati; 2. impressive by reason of age and historical associations, mengagumkan dan dianggap penting: ~ old buildings should be preserved, bangunan-bangunan tua yg mengagumkan dan dianggap penting seharusnya dipelihara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |