troop | vi berjalan beramai-ramai: the football fans are already ~ing into the stadium, peminat-peminat bola sepak telah pun berjalan masuk beramai-ramai ke stadium; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uncontrolled | adj tdk terkawal: the ~ cheers of the football fans, tempik sorak yg tdk terkawal dr peminat-peminat bola sepak; the ~ use of pesticide, penggunaan racun serangga yg tdk terkawal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
admiring | adj 1. having admiration for, mengagumi sso: he was surrounded by ~ fans, dia dikelilingi oleh peminat-peminat yg mengaguminya; 2. reflecting admiration, /membayangkan, melahirkan/ /kekaguman, rasa kagum/: ~ glances, kerlingan yg membayangkan kekaguman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uninhibited | adj (of person) tdk tersekat laku; (of laughter etc) tdk segan-segan: ~ cheering from the football fans, tempik sorak yg tdk segan-segan drpd peminat-peminat bola sepak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
life | larger than ~, lebih hebat drpd hakikat sebenar: bintang-bintang filem itu kelihatan lebih hebat drpd hakikat sebenarnya di mata peminat-peminat setia mereka; lay down o’s ~, mengorbankan jiwa raga sso: we should be willing to lay down our lives in the service of our country, kita seharusnya sanggup mengorbankan jiwa raga utk berkhidmat kpd negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
life | larger than ~, lebih hebat drpd hakikat sebenar: bintang-bintang filem itu kelihatan lebih hebat drpd hakikat sebenarnya di mata peminat-peminat setia mereka; lay down o’s ~, mengorbankan jiwa raga sso: we should be willing to lay down our lives in the service of our country, kita seharusnya sanggup mengorbankan jiwa raga utk berkhidmat kpd negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sock 2 | ~ it to so., (old-fashioned & colloq) menunjukkan betul-betul kpd sso: your fans are waiting for you. Go out there and really ~ it to them, peminat-peminat kamu sedang menunggu kamu. Keluarlah ke pentas dan tunjukkan betul-betul kpd mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sleek | 2. elegant, uncluttered, stylish, anggun: as the ~ limousines drove up one by one, the fans rushed forward to get a glimpse of the movie stars, apabila limusin yg anggun tiba satu demi satu, peminat-peminat meluru ke hadapan utk melihat bintang-bintang filem itu; ~, slender girls who looked like models, gadis-gadis langsing yg anggun yg kelihatan spt peragawati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hysteria | n 1. (nervous disorder) histeria, selap: an attack of ~, serangan histeria; 2. uncontrollable emotion or excitement, histeria: the fans were in a state of ~ when their idol arrived, peminat-peminat berkeadaan histeria apabila bintang pujaan mereka tiba. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buff2 | (colloq) peminat: a computer ~, peminat komputer; a Shakespeare ~, peminat Shakespeare; a history ~, peminat sejarah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |