bomb disposal squad | n skuad pemusnah bom. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
station | the destroyers took up their ~s around the convoy, kapal-kapal pemusnah itu berada dlm kedudukan yg ditugaskan di keliling konvoi tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
iconoclast | n 1. so. who attacks established beliefs, customs, penentang tradisi; 2. destroyer of images, pemusnah berhala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stave | ~ in, a. push inwards with force, (act.) meremukkan; (pass.) remuk: the destroyer stove in the bow of the battleship, kapal pemusnah meremukkan luan kapal perang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reinforce | vt 1. strengthen (a military force, group) memperkuat, memperkukuh: two extra destroyers were sent to ~ the fleet, dua lagi kapal pemusnah telah dihantar utk memperkuat angkatan perang itu; 2. give added strength, support to, memperteguh: the elbows of his jacket are ~d with leather patches, bahagian siku jaket itu diperteguh dgn tampalan kulit; steel rods are used to ~ the concrete pillars, rod keluli digunakan utk memperteguh tiang konkrit; 3. make more forcible or convincing, memperteguh, memperkukuh: his reply ~d my argument, jawapannya memperteguh hujah saya; she ~d her words with many dramatic gestures, dia memperkukuh kata-katanya dgn banyak gerak isyarat dramatik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
position | n 1. where so. or st is, tempat: from their ~ on the hill, they had a wonderful view of the fireworks display, dari tempat mereka di atas bukit itu, mereka dapat melihat pertunjukan bunga api dgn jelas sekali; 2. customary place of so., st, tempat biasa: the destroyers took up their ~s ahead and astern of the convoy, kapal-kapal pemusnah itu mengambil tempat biasanya di hadapan dan di belakang konvoi tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reply | ~ to, a. answer by speaking, menjawab + approp n: she replied to me rudely, dia menjawab kata saya dgn biadab; b. give an answer in writing, menjawab, membalas: he has not replied to the letter, dia belum menjawab surat itu; c. also ~ with, respond by gestures, action, membalas: the destroyer did not ~ to the signal, kapal pemusnah itu tdk membalas isyarat; the enemy replied to our fire with mortars, pihak musuh membalas tembakan kami dgn mortar; she replied with a smile, dia membalas dgn senyuman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |