grinder | n 1. machine, device, a. (for grinding in a mill) pengisar: the ~ in the rice mill has broken down, pengisar di kilang beras itu telah rosak; a coffee ~, pengisar kopi; b. (for pounding) batu tumbuk; c. (for grinding with stone roller) batu giling; d. (for grinding stone, gem, etc) pencanai; 2. molar tooth, geraham. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
treadmill | n 1. pengisar injakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grindstone | n 1. machine used for sharpening tools, mesin pengasah; 2. stone used in this machine, batu asah; 3. whetstone, batu asah; 4. millstone, batu /pengisar, giling/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aid | n 1. help, assistance, bantuan, pertolongan: the Red Crescent provided ~ for the homeless, Pasukan Bulan Sabit Merah memberi bantuan kpd mereka yg kehilangan tempat tinggal; mutual ~ society, persatuan bantuan bersama; 2. helper, pembantu, penolong; 3. st that helps, alat bantu: visual ~, alat bantu pandang; teaching ~s, alat bantu mengajar; the grinder is a useful ~ in the kitchen, pengisar ialah alat bantu yg berguna di dapur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |