penguin | n burung penguin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
polar | adj 1. of or near North or South poles, kutub: the penguins of the southern ~ regions, penguin kawasan kutub selatan; 2. (fml) completely opposite in character, quality, etc, sangat bertentangan: the ~ extremes between the two systems of government, sistem kerajaan dua buah negara yg sangat bertentangan; 3. one of the poles of a magnet, kutub. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rookery | n 1. place where rooks nest, sarang gagak; 2. colony of penguins, seals, etc, koloni /penguin, serigala laut, dll [as appropriate]/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immense | adj 1. huge, /amat, sangat/ besar; (in amount, number) begitu banyak: an ~ hall, dewan yg amat besar; an ~ problem, masalah yg amat besar; there are ~ numbers of penguins on the island, burung penguin begitu banyak di pulau itu; an ~ amount of money would be required to restore the old palace, kerja memulih keadaan istana lama itu akan memerlukan wang yg begitu banyak; 2. (colloq) great, sangat, amat, sungguh; (of difference) besar; (of progress) pesat: my relief was ~, saya berasa sangat lega; the exhibition was an ~ success, pameran itu sungguh berjaya; to make ~ progress, mencapai kemajuan yg pesat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
colony | n 1. subject country or territory, tanah jajahan, koloni: nations which are former British colonies, negara-negara yg merupakan bekas tanah jajahan British; 2. people of one race, occupation, etc living together, koloni: the Indian ~ in London, koloni orang India di London; 3. segregated group, perkampungan: a leper ~, perkampungan pesakit kusta; 4. (zool) koloni: a ~ of penguins, koloni penguin; 5. (bacteriology) koloni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |