denationalization, denationalisation | n transferring to private ownership, penswastaan: the ~ of the railways, penswastaan kereta api. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
privatization | npenswastaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
linchpin | n 1.(of axle) cemat pemati; 2. a. so. very important to an organization etc, orang penting: Mrs. Foulkes is the ~ of our organization – without her we wouldn’t be half so successful, Mrs. Foulkes ialah orang penting dlm organisasi kami – tanpanya kami tdk akan berjaya spt ini; b. st vital to a plan, policy, etc, /sst, approp n +/ yg penting: privatization is the ~ of the new government’s policies, penswastaan merupakan sst yg penting dlm dasar kerajaan baru itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
linchpin | n 1.(of axle) cemat pemati; 2. a. so. very important to an organization etc, orang penting: Mrs. Foulkes is the ~ of our organization – without her we wouldn’t be half so successful, Mrs. Foulkes ialah orang penting dlm organisasi kami – tanpanya kami tdk akan berjaya spt ini; b. st vital to a plan, policy, etc, /sst, approp n +/ yg penting: privatization is the ~ of the new government’s policies, penswastaan merupakan sst yg penting dlm dasar kerajaan baru itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drift | n 1. drifting movement, slow current, aliran: the ~ of the current, aliran arus; 2. heap of material piled up by the wind, hanyutan: snow ~, hanyutan salji; ice ~, hanyutan ais; 3. movement of people away from or towards st, aliran: the ~ of young people from the rural areas to the towns, aliran orang-orang muda dr kawasan luar bandar ke bandar; 4. general tendency, trend, aliran: the ~ towards privatization, aliran ke arah penswastaan; 5. gist, general meaning, maksud; (of conversation) biji butir: I don’t think I got the ~ of what he said, saya rasa saya tdk faham maksud kata-katanya; 6. (esp derog) practice of waiting for things to happen, menunggu: the government’s policy of ~, dasar menunggu kerajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |