role, rolĂȘ | n 1. part played by actor or actress in film etc, peranan: a young actress played the ~ of Viola, seorang pelakon wanita muda memainkan peranan sbg Viola; 2. usual, customary function, peranan, tugas, fungsi: she has fulfilled her ~ as a mother, dia telah melaksanakan tugasnya sbg ibu; his ~ as an adviser in the organization, peranannya sbg penasihat dlm organisasi itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 3. see LEASH; 4. principal role in a play, film, etc, peranan utama; (attrib) utama: he is playing the ~ in the play, dia memegang peranan utama dlm lakonan itu; he was the ~ singer in the band, dia penyanyi utama dlm pancaragam itu; 5. principal news story, berita utama: the story was the ~ in every newspaper, cerita itu telah menjadi berita utama dlm semua surat khabar; ~ article, rencana utama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 3. see LEASH; 4. principal role in a play, film, etc, peranan utama; (attrib) utama: he is playing the ~ in the play, dia memegang peranan utama dlm lakonan itu; he was the ~ singer in the band, dia penyanyi utama dlm pancaragam itu; 5. principal news story, berita utama: the story was the ~ in every newspaper, cerita itu telah menjadi berita utama dlm semua surat khabar; ~ article, rencana utama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impersonate | vt 1. pretend to be, menyamar sbg; (in theatrical presentation), /berlakon, mengambil peranan/ sbg, melakonkan watak: he was arrested for impersonating a police officer, dia ditangkap krn menyamar sbg pegawai polis; in the opera, the ballet dancers ~d fairies, dlm opera itu, penari-penari balet mengambil peranan sbg pari-pari; 2. imitate behaviour, mannerisms of, (pandai) mengajuk: a comedian who ~s well-known public figures, pelawak yg pandai mengajuk orang-orang ternama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 6. be in charge of, head, mengetuai: Sir John Hunt led the successful Everest expedition, Sir John Hunt mengetuai ekspedisi mendaki Gunung Everest dgn jayanya; 7. have the principal part in, memainkan peranan utama: he led the campaign for housing reform, dia memainkan peranan utama dlm kempen pembaruan perumahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 6. be in charge of, head, mengetuai: Sir John Hunt led the successful Everest expedition, Sir John Hunt mengetuai ekspedisi mendaki Gunung Everest dgn jayanya; 7. have the principal part in, memainkan peranan utama: he led the campaign for housing reform, dia memainkan peranan utama dlm kempen pembaruan perumahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
act | vt 1. take the part of, /berlakon, memegang peranan/ sbg: he ~ed Macbeth at the Old Vic, dia berlakon sbg Macbeth di Old Vic; 2. perform, melakonkan: the play was never ~ed, drama itu tdk pernah dilakonkan; 3. behave as, berlaku spt: he ~ed the fool, dia berlaku spt orang bodoh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
part | n 1. portion of a whole, (se)bahagian: a ~ of the roof had fallen in, sebahagian bumbung itu telah runtuh; it is all ~ of my work, itu semua sebahagian drpd kerja saya; 2. equal portions, divisions, bahagian: the mixture is six ~s sand to four ~s cement, campuran itu terdiri drpd enam bahagian pasir dan empat bahagian simen; 3. person's role in a play, film, etc, peranan: he played the ~ of Shylock, dia memainkan peranan Shylock; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fiddle | n (colloq) 1. (musical instrument) biola; play second ~, mengambil peranan kurang penting; 2. dishonest practice, penipuan: a tax ~, penipuan cukai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
passive | adj 1. inactive, not operating, pasif, tdk giat: a ~ member of the committee, ahli jawatankuasa yg pasif; ~ role, peranan yg pasif; 2. submissive, pasif; (of loyalty, submission, obedience) tdk berbelah bagi: in the past the untouchables accepted their lot in life with ~ resignation, pd masa lampau, kelas paria menerima nasib mereka dgn kerelaan yg pasif; the people will not remain ~ under such a rule, rakyat tdk akan terus pasif di bawah pemerintahan yg sedemikian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |