appetizer, appetiser | n 1. food, drink that stimulates appetite, pembuka selera; 2. stimulant to desire, perangsang: the first item was just an ~ for the rest of the show, acara pertama itu hanya sbg perangsang kpd keseluruhan persembahan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boost | n 1. encouragement, menggalakkan; (to morale, spirits) perangsang: the publicity gave a ~ to sales, publisiti itu menggalakkan jualan; 2. increase, pertambahan; (of price, salary, etc) kenaikan: the 4% reduction in the tax will be a ~ to investment, penurunan cukai tersebut sebanyak 4% akan menghasilkan pertambahan pelaburan; a ~ in the price of food, kenaikan harga makanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
booster | n 1. so., st that actively promotes, supports, etc (st) perangsang; 2. a radio-frequency amplifier, penggalak; 3. (med), (suntikan) penggalak, booster. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |