may | kita sudah terlalu lambat utk majlis perasmian itu, jadi baiklah kita menginap di sini saja, drpd meneruskan perjalanan; might have known, [various translations]: you might have known they would react like that, bukan kamu tdk tahu re | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
providentially | adv luckily, /mujur, nasib baik/ betul: ~ the rain stopped an hour before the opening, mujur betul hujan berhenti sejam sebelum majlis perasmian itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inaugural | adj 1. rel to inauguration of official, perdana: ~ speech, ucapan perdana; 2. initial, sulung: ~ meeting, mesyuarat sulung; 3. rel to official opening of building etc, perasmian: about 500 people attended the ~ ceremony, lebih urang 500 orang menghadiri upacara perasmian itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stand-up | adj 1. in erect position, tegak: ~ collar, kolar tegak; 2. done while standing, berdiri: there’ll be a ~ meal after the opening, makan berdiri disediakan selepas perasmian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
personal | 3. done directly by a particular person, peribadi; (by being present) sendiri: the minister made a ~ appeal to the student rebels, menteri itu secara peribadi membuat rayuan kpd pelajar-pelajar yg memberontak; the ambassador made a ~ appearance at the opening of the exhibition, duta itu sendiri hadir di acara perasmian pameran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
likelihood | n; in all ~, there’s every ~, besar kemungkinan: in all ~, we’ll arrive on Sunday, besar kemungkinan kita akan sampai pd hari Ahad; there’s /little, not much/ ~, besar kemungkinan... tdk: there’s little ~ of his being able to attend the opening ceremony,perasmian itu; there’s no ~, tdk mungkin: there’s no ~ of them getting married, tdk mungkin mereka berkahwin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
likelihood | n; in all ~, there’s every ~, besar kemungkinan: in all ~, we’ll arrive on Sunday, besar kemungkinan kita akan sampai pd hari Ahad; there’s /little, not much/ ~, besar kemungkinan... tdk: there’s little ~ of his being able to attend the opening ceremony,perasmian itu; there’s no ~, tdk mungkin: there’s no ~ of them getting married, tdk mungkin mereka berkahwin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |