shipboard | n taking place, used aboard ship, di kapal: ~ romance, percintaan di kapal; on ~, di (atas) kapal: goods stored on ~, barang-barang disimpan di kapal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fairy-tale | adj spt dlm cerita dewa-dewi: a ~ romance, kisah percintaan spt dlm cerita dewa-dewi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whirlwind | adj mendadak: a ~ marriage that seemed doomed to failure, perkahwinan mendadak yg ditakdirkan gagal; their ~ romance took us by surprise, percintaan mendadak mereka memeranjatkan kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
romance | n 1. love story, /kisah, cerita/ /cinta, asmara/; 2. atmosphere or feeling of romance, suasana romantik: there was an air of ~ about the place, tempat itu bersuasana romantik; 3. love affair, percintaan: their marriage was one long ~, perkahwinan mereka merupakan percintaan yg berpanjangan; have a ~ with, bercinta dgn; 4. medieval story relating the adventures of some hero of chivalry, roman kesateriaan; 5. exaggeration, tokok tambah: I think the whole story is a ~, saya fikir keseluruhan cerita itu merupakan tokok tambah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blossom | vi 1. berbunga: the trees will soon ~, pokok-pokok itu akan berbunga tdk lama lagi; 2. (fig.) mekar, berkembang: their romance ~ed, percintaan mereka mekar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
romantic | adj 1. characterized by love or the emotions, romantik, romantis: a ~ love story, kisah cinta yg romantik; the scene looks very ~ in the moonlight, pemandangan itu kelihatan sangat romantis dlm cahaya bulan; 2. involving a love affair, romantik, romantis, percintaan: a ~ relationship between Jane and Tom, hubungan percintaan antara Jane dan Tom; 3. showing feelings of love, emotion, romantik, romantis: a ~ young girl, gadis yg romantik; she has a ~ nature, dia bersifat romantis; 4. (in art, literature, etc) marked by feeling, romantis: the ~ poets, pensyair romantis; the ~ period in literature, zaman romantis dlm kesusasteraan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
true | adj 1. in accordance with fact or reality, benar: this is a ~ account of the events leading to the war, ini ialah kisah benar ttg peristiwa-peristiwa yg membawa kpd peperangan itu; this is the ~ story of their romance, ini cerita benar ttg percintaan mereka; is it ~ that he is going to resign?, benarkah dia akan meletakkan jawatan?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interlude | n 1. intervening period of time between two events, activities, etc, waktu selang: there was a brief ~ of peace before the country was once again thrown back into turmoil, waktu selang yg singkat dan aman sebelum negara itu bergolak semula; 2. episode, peristiwa: a romantic ~, peristiwa percintaan; 3. interval between acts of play etc, /masa, waktu/ rehat; 4. piece of music, entertainment, etc used for filling such an interval, selingan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fleeting | adj a. lasting only a short time, sekejap; (of glimpse, glance) sepintas lalu, sekilas (lalu), /sekilas, selayang /pandang, sejenak, seketika: he paid them a visit, dia melawat mereka sekejap sahaja; she gave the passport no more than a ~ glance, dia hanya memandang pasport itu sejenak; a ~ romance, percintaan kilat; for a ~ moment, buat seketika: for a ~ moment I thought he was going to hit me, buat seketika saya fikir dia hendak menumbuk saya; b. ephemeral, sekejap, sebentar: the ~ beauty of autumn, kecantikan musim gugur yg sekejap sahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
air | be in the ~, a. uncertain, di awang-awang(an): his plans are still in the ~, rancangannya masih di awang-awangan; b. spreading about, sedang tersebar; (of feeling) dapat dirasakan: disquieting rumours are in the ~, desas-desus yg merisaukan sedang tersebar; love is in the ~, suasana percintaan dapat dirasakan; c. (mil) unprotected, tdk berperlindungan: the left flank was left in the ~, rusuk kiri batalion itu tdk beperlindungan; in the open ~, di /tempat, kawasan/ terbuka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |