debate | n 1. formal discussion, perdebatan, perbahasan: parliamentary ~, perdebatan parlimen; 2. informal discussion, berdebat: after the lengthy ~ they decided to drop the matter, selepas berdebat dgn panjang lebar mereka memutuskan utk melupakan perkara itu; 3. (contest) pertandingan bahas: an inter-school ~, pertandingan bahas antara sekolah; /in, under/ ~, yg /di(per)bahaskan, di(per)debatkan, dipersoalkan/: the issue under ~, isu yg diperbahaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contention | n (fml) 1. (debate) perdebatan; (angry disagreement) perbalahan: there was much ~ over the new law, terdapat banyak perbalahan ttg undang-undang yg baru itu; 2. point advanced in argument, pendapat: his ~ was that the amendments were unnecessary, mengikut pendapatnya, pindaan-pindaan itu tdk perlu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
side | in the debate many people emphasized the educational ~ of television, dlm perdebatan itu ramai yg menekankan aspek pendidikan televisyen; a policeman sees much of the seamy ~ of life, seorang polis melihat aspek kehidupan yg kurang menyenangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
temperate | 2. calm and self-controlled, tenang: the debate was quite ~ , perdebatan itu agak tenang; seldom do you find someone so ~, losing his temper, jarang kita temui orang yg begitu tenang, boleh hilang sabar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow-by-blow | adj detik demi detik: a ~ account of the debate, liputan perdebatan itu detik demi detik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
second-best | come off ~, (colloq) kalah: they came off ~ in the debate, mereka kalah dlm perdebatan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
course | 5. flow, aliran, arah: do you follow the ~ of the argument?, adakah kamu mengikut aliran perdebatan itu?; 6. line of conduct, jalan: the only ~ open to us, satu-satunya jalan yg terbuka bagi kita; we will adopt a middle ~, kita akan mengambil jalan tengah; 7. line of study, kursus: a French ~, kursus bahasa Perancis; a cookery ~, kursus masak-memasak; 8. planned series, siri: a ~ of lectures, satu siri kuliah; a ~ of radio-therapy treatment, satu siri rawatan radioterapi; 9. (of meal) jenis sajian: a six-~ meal, hidangan enam jenis sajian; 10. (archit) lapisan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | ~ and thrust, (fig.) pertikaman lidah: the ~ and thrust of a heated debate, pertikaman lidah dlm satu perdebatan hangat; be a ~ above (person or thing) lebih baik drpd yg lain: she is definitely a ~ above the rest of the class, dia memang lebih baik drpd yg lain dlm kelas itu; give so. the ~ direct, buat-buat tdk kenal pd sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broadcast | n 1. transmission by radio or television, penyiaran: the ~ of the political debate, penyiaran perdebatan politik; 2. programme on radio or television, siaran: a news ~, siaran berita; a live ~, siaran langsung; 3. act of scattering seeds, menyebar rata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | get out of ~, tdk dapat dikawal lagi: the debate got out of ~ when they started flinging accusations at each other, perdebatan itu tdk dapat dikawal lagi apabila mereka saling melemparkan tuduhan; /give, lend/ a ~, menolong, membantu: we are always willing to lend a ~ kami sentiasa bersedia membantu; go ~ in ~, approp v + seiring: poverty and ignorance usually go ~ in ~, kemiskinan dan kejahilan biasanya wujud seiring; a good ~ at st, pandai (+ approp v) sst: he’s a good ~ at tennis, dia pandai bermain tenis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |