launch 1 | ~ out into, memulakan kerjaya: he sold his business and ~ed out into farming, dia menjual perniagaannya dan memulakan kerjaya dlm bidang pertanian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
launch 1 | ~ out into, memulakan kerjaya: he sold his business and ~ed out into farming, dia menjual perniagaannya dan memulakan kerjaya dlm bidang pertanian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
product | n 1. st produced, a. (from a farm, mine, etc) hasil: agricultural ~s, hasil-hasil pertanian; b. (in a factory etc), (barang) keluaran: the firm spends a lot of money advertising its ~, syarikat itu membelanjakan wang yg banyak utk mengiklankan barang keluarannya; 2. st that is the result a. (of a creative, scientific, etc process) hasil: we gathered round the table to admire the finished ~, kami berkumpul di sekeliling meja utk menikmati hasil yg telah siap itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
production | n1. process of a. (growing large amount of st) pengeluaran, penghasilan: these new farming methods resulted in an increase in ~, kaedah pertanian yg baru ini menambah pengeluaran; b. (manufacturing) proses pengeluaran: the first stage in the ~ of steel, peringkat pertama dlm proses pengeluaran besi; 2 . amount of goods manufactured output, pengeluaran: the country exports 50% of its ~, negara itu mengeksport 50% drpd pengeluarannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
double | vt 1. make twice as much, menambahkan [sst] sekali ganda, menggandakan; (non-deliberate) bertambah sekali ganda, berganda: good farming methods ~d the output of rice, kaedah pertanian yg baik menambahkan hasil beras sekali ganda; his salary was ~d, gajinya telah digandakan; the baby has ~d its weight since I last saw her, berat badan bayi itu telah bertambah sekali ganda sejak saya melihatnya dahulu; 2. fold over, melipat dua: to ~ the material before cutting it, melipat dua kain itu sebelum mengguntingnya; 3. clench, mengepal, menggenggam: to ~ o’s fist, mengepal penumbuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
economy | n 1. (system for the) management of resources, ekonomi: inflation would have adverse effects on the country’s ~, inflasi akan mendatangkan kesan-kesan buruk thdp ekonomi negara; agricultural ~, ekonomi pertanian; 2. avoidance of waste, cermat, hemat, jimat: the household is run with considerable ~, rumah itu diurus dgn begitu cermat; practise ~, berjimat, bercermat, berhemat; 3. instance of avoiding waste, berjimat, bercermat, berhemat: buying cheap cloth is a false ~, membeli kain murah bukan sebenarnya berjimat; with some small economies, you should be able to save more money, dgn berjimat sedikit-sedikit kamu dapat menyimpan lebih banyak wang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irrigate | vt 1. supply (land) with water (by building canals, digging ditches, etc) mengairi: to ~ vast tracts of desert for cultivation, mengairi kawasan gurun yg luas utk dijadikan tanah pertanian; 2. (med) mencuci, membasuh: to ~ a wound, membasuh luka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
organic | adj 1. of, found in, produced by, derived from, living things or bodily organs, organik: an ~ disease, penyakit organik; ~ matter, jirim organik; ~ chemistry, kimia organik; ~ fertilizer, baja organik; ~ compound, sebatian organik; ~ soil, tanih organik; ~ deposits, mendapan organik; 2. using natural plant or animal products rather than chemical products, organik: ~ farming, pertanian organik; 3. made up of parts systematically connected, organik: an ~ society, masyarakat organik; 4. quasi-natural, natural: the ~ growth of modern industries, pertumbuhan yg natural industri moden. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
f ollow | vt 1. go, arrive after, mengikut; (a little later, some time later, etc) menyusuli, mengikut kemudian: the dog ~ed him home, anjing itu mengikutnya pulang; the Minister of Education was the first to arrive, ~ed by the Minister of Agriculture, Menteri Pendidikan ialah menteri yg pertama tiba, disusuli oleh Menteri Pertanian; 2. accompany, mengikut; (important person etc) mengikut, mengiringi: security guards ~ed the Prime Minister wherever he went, pengawal keselamatan mengiringi Perdana Menteri itu ke mana saja beliau pergi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |