mixed bag | n (colloq) serbaneka + approp n: the competitors were a bit of a ~, peserta-peserta drpd serbaneka orang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
call | vt 1. also ~ st out, utter distinctly, memanggil, meneriakkan: to ~ the names of the participants, memanggil nama peserta-peserta; 2. summon, memanggil: to ~ a taxi, memanggil teksi; 3. hold, mengadakan; (meeting) mengadakan, memanggil: to ~ a by-election, mengadakan pilihan raya kecil; 4. also ~ so. up, telephone, menelefon; 5. name, menamai: the new town will be ~ed Shah Alam, bandar baru itu akan dinamai Shah Alam; 6. address, memanggil: he always ~s me uncle, dia selalu memanggil saya pak cik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | ~ ahead (of), (lit. & fig.) mendahului: seconds before the race ended he drew ahead of the other competitors, beberapa saat sebelum perlumbaan itu tamat dia mendahului peserta-peserta lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
winning | adj 1. that has won, menang: the owner of the ~ horse will get a gold cup, tuan punya kuda yg menang akan mendapat piala emas; ~ entries, peserta-peserta yg menang; 2. engaging, menawan: she has a ~ smile, senyumannya menawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
refer | vi 1. mention (of), allude, ditujukan, dimaksudkan: does that remark ~ to me?, adakah teguran itu ditujukan kpd saya?; 2. affect, meliputi, merangkumi: these rules do not ~ to handicapped players, peraturan-peraturan ini tdk meliputi peserta-peserta cacat; 3. seek information (from book, note, time-table) merujuk, berpandukan; (clock, watch) berpandukan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contestant | n competitor, peserta: many of the ~s dropped out of the race, ramai peserta yg tdk dapat menghabiskan perlumbaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entry | 8. a. entrant ( in a competition, race ) peserta: there were at least ten entries for the 400 metre race, terdapat sekurang-kurangnya sepuluh peserta utk perlumbaan 400 meter itu; b. st submitted ( for a competition ) sertaan, [ usu various translations ]: the pudding is her ~ for the cooking competition, puding itu ialah sertaannya utk peraduan memasak itu; who will be judging the entries in the short story competition?, siapakah yg akan mengadili cerita-cerita di dlm pertandingan menulis cerpen itu?; all entries must be submitted before the 30th of June, semua borang jawapan mestilah dihantar sebelum 30 Jun; 9. input ( into a computer ) pemasukan: data ~, pemasukan data. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
starter | 2. one who causes race to begin, pelepas; 3. person, animal that takes part in race at the start, peserta mula: there were twenty ~s in the Derby, terdapat dua puluh peserta mula dlm perlumbaan Derby; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
participant | nama semua peserta terdapat dlm senarai ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
semifinalist | n peserta (pusingan) separuh akhir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |