Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : pilihan raya yg diadakan utk mengisi satu atau beberapa kekosongan kerusi sahaja di Parlimen dsb yg timbul selain disebabkan oleh pembubaran Parlimen atau pembubaran Dewan Undangan Negeri; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
pilih (kata kerja)
Bersinonim dengan isih, saring, tapis;,
Kata Terbitan : memilih, pilihan, pemilihan, pemilih,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

by-electionn pilihan raya kecil.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
givehas been set for July, telah diumumkan bahawa pilihan raya kecil itu ditetapkan pd bulan Julai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
strength5. power by reason of influence, numbers, authority, resources, etc, kekuatan: the addition of these three ships will greatly increase the ~ of the fleet, kekuatan armada itu akan meningkat dgn pertambahan tiga buah kapal itu; the two by-elections have reduced the government’s ~ still further, kedua-dua pilihan raya kecil itu telah mengurangkan lagi kekuatan kerajaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
indexn 1. (alphabetical list at back of book) indeks; 2. (in library science) collection of cards that list titles of books etc, indeks; 3. sign, tanda: the result of the by-election could well be an ~ of the party’s popularity, keputusan pilihan raya kecil mungkin merupakan tanda kepopularan parti itu; 4. indicator (on dial, barometer, etc) jarum (penunjuk); 5. number, ratio, that indicates relative level of prices or wages which can be compared to a former level, indeks: the cost of living ~ rose abruptly, indeks kos sara hidup naik secara mendadak; economic indices, indeks ekonomi; 6. (math) indeks: ~ notation, tatatanda indeks;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
callvt 1. also ~ st out, utter distinctly, memanggil, meneriakkan: to ~ the names of the participants, memanggil nama peserta-peserta; 2. summon, memanggil: to ~ a taxi, memanggil teksi; 3. hold, mengadakan; (meeting) mengadakan, memanggil: to ~ a by-election, mengadakan pilihan raya kecil; 4. also ~ so. up, telephone, menelefon; 5. name, menamai: the new town will be ~ed Shah Alam, bandar baru itu akan dinamai Shah Alam; 6. address, memanggil: he always ~s me uncle, dia selalu memanggil saya pak cik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
publishvt 1. (book, magazine, etc) prepare, have printed and distribute, menerbitkan: who is going to the anthology?, siapa yg akan menerbitkan antologi itu?; he has ~ed many of his short stories in local magazines, banyak cerita pendeknya yg diterbitkan dlm majalah-majalah tempatan; 2. announce, mengumumkan: the date of the by-election is to be ~ed tomorrow, tarikh pilihan raya kecil akan diumumkan esok; news of their marriage was not ~ed, berita ttg perkahwinan mereka tdk diumumkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
poll2. total of votes, bilangan undi: they expected a light ~ in that constituency, mereka menjangkakan bilangan undi yg kecil di kawasan pilihan raya itu; the Conservatives expected a heavy ~, parti Konservatif menjangka mereka akan mendapat bilangan undi yg besar; 3. also opinion poll, survey of public opinion, tinjauan pendapat: a ~ was conducted to gauge public opinion on the issue, satu tinjauan pendapat telah diadakan utk mengukur pendapat ramai ttg isu itu; 4. list of voters, daftar pemilih: his name was not on the ~, namanya tdk ada dlm daftar pemilih;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
greetshe ~ed her mother with a smile, dia menyambut ibunya dgn senyuman; the queen was ~ed by hundreds of schoolchildren waving small flags, permaisuri disambut oleh ratusan murid sekolah yg melambaikan bendera kecil; his election victory was ~ed by thundering applause from his supporters, kemenangannya dlm pilihan raya disambut dgn tepuk sorak yg gemuruh; 2. receive in a certain manner, menyambut: the news was ~ed with great joy, berita itu disambut dgn gembira sekali; their presence was ~ed by angry stares, kehadiran mereka disambut dgnKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
retainvt 1. (fml) keep (st) back, mengekalkan: the original owner ~ed only a small part of the once vast estate, pemilik asalnya mengekalkan hanya sebahagian kecil drpd estet yg pd satu masa dulu begitu luas; 2. avoid losing, mengekalkan; (balance etc) mengawal: the Liberal Party ~ed the seat after the election, Parti Liberal mengekalkan kerusinya selepas pilihan raya itu; the champion ~ed the title, juara itu mengekalkan gelarannya; the material does not ~ its shape, bahan itu tdk mengekalkan bentuknya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
photo finishn 1. finish of a race so close that the winner has to be determined by a photograph, penamatan yg sangat rapat; 2. ( fig.) close finish in a competition, kemenangan kecil: newsmen who covered the election campaign predicted a ~, pemberita yg membuat liputan kempen pilihan raya itu meramalkan satu kemenangan kecil.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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