police | n 1. official organization that keeps law and order, polis: the ~ are still investigating the crime, polis masih menjalankan penyiasatan thdp jenayah itu; 2. members of this organization, anggota polis: extra ~ were sent to quell the riot, lebih ramai anggota polis dihantar utk menumpaskan rusuhan itu; 3. (attrib) polis: ~ car, kereta polis; ~ report, laporan polis; 4. any organized corp having similar duties, polis: military~, polis tentera; secret ~, polis rahsia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mark1 | polis telah mengecamnya sbg orang yg mungkin disyaki; ~ st down, a. record st, mencatat sst: Mary ~ed down my home and office telephone numbers, Mary telah mencatat nombor telefon rumah dan pejabat saya; b. reduce price of s | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
present1 | adj 1. being in a specified place, hadir: the police took the names of those ~ at the meeting, pihak polis mengambil nama mereka yg hadir di perhimpunan itu; among those ~ were ..., antara yg hadir ialah ...; ~ in st, ada: this filter will strain out any waste matter that might be ~ in the water, tapis ini boleh mengasingkan sebarang bahan yg tdk dikehendaki yg mungkin ada dlm air; 2. existing or happening at the moment, sekarang: this event led to the ~ trouble in the country, peristiwa inilah yg menyebabkan berlakunya huru-hara di negeri itu sekarang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escort | n 1. person accompanying another socially, teman: he was her ~ to the ball, dialah temannya ke majlis tari-menari itu; 2. a. person accompanying so. or st, pengiring: a police ~, polis pengiring; b.> group of persons accompanying so. or st, pasukan pengiring: an ~ of soldiers accompanied the general, jeneral itu diiringi oleh sepasukan askar pengiring; under police ~, diiringi polis; c. group of ships or aircraft accompanying st, /kapal, kapal terbang/pengiring; 3. so. paid to go out socially with another, teman sosial: an ~ agency, agensi teman sosial; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shot 1 | n 1. act of discharging a firearm or the sound it makes, tembakan: the policeman took several ~s at the car, polis telah melepaskan beberapa tembakan pd kereta itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
badge | n 1. lencana: a policeman’s ~, lencana polis; school ~, lencana sekolah; 2. (fig.) lambang, simbol, tanda: chains are a ~ of slavery, belenggu merupakan lambang pengabdian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
van | n 1. (motor vehicle) van: a police ~, van polis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unmask | vt 1. menanggalkan topeng: the policeman held and ~ed the robber, polis memegang perompak itu dan menanggalkan topengnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pick 1 | d.(colloq) become acquainted with so. for sexual purposes, bermesra-mesra dgn sso utk menidurinya: he ~ed up the woman in the bar, dia bermesra-mesra dgn perempuan di bar itu utk menidurinya; e. (colloq) arrest or retain so. in custody or for questioning, menahan sso: the escapee was ~ed up by the police within the hour, tahanan yg lari itu dapat ditahan polis dlm masa satu jam; the police ~ed him up for questioning, polis menahannya utk disoal siasat; f. collect so., mengambil sso: wait for me after school, I’ll ~ you up on my way home, tunggu saya selepas waktu sekolah, saya akan mengambil kamu dlm perjalanan pulang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | 8. be in first position, mendahului: a troop of mounted police led the procession, pasukan polis berkuda mendahului perarakan itu; 9. a. spend, pass o’s life in a certain way, menjalani: he has led a hard life, dia telah menjalani hidup yg susah; b. cause so. to pass a certain kind of life, /membuat, menyebabkan/ [hidup sso + approp vthat woman ~s him a wretched life, perempuan itulah yg membuat hidupnya menderita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |