sales promotion | n promosi jualan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
promotion | n 1. upgrading of position or rank, kenaikan pangkat: ~ goes by seniority in the department, kenaikan pangkat bergantung pd kekananan di jabatan itu; 2. advertising or campaign to increase sales, promosi: the new product was backed by mass media ~, keluaran baru itu disokong oleh promosi melalui media massa; 3. encouragement given to st, menggalakkan: their attempts at the ~ of goodwill between the factions have failed, percubaan mereka utk menggalakkan wujudnya semangat muhibah di kalangan puak gagal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plug | vt 1. stop up by inserting a plug, menyumbat: the plumber has ~ged the leak in the water tank, tukang paip itu telah menyumbat kebocoran pd tangki air tersebut; 2. (colloq) advertise and mention favourably, membuat promosi utk, mempromosikan: the TV has been ~ging the new product for weeks, telah berminggu-minggu pihak TV membuat promosi utk keluaran baru itu; 3. (US), (sl) shoot, menembak: the policeman ~ged one of the bandits, anggota polis menembak salah seorang pengganas itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plug | 3. (colloq) socket point, soket: we have to put a ~ in the bathroom for shaving, kita terpaksa memasang soket dlm bilik mandi utk bercukur; 4. also spark-plug palam pencucuh; 5. (colloq) favourable recommendation for commercial product, promosi: the disc jockey put in a ~ for the record, joki disko itu membuat promosi piring hitam tersebut; 6. cake of pressed twisted tobacco used for chewing, songel, sugi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
promote | vt 1. elevate (so.) to higher position, rank, menaikkan pangkat; (in sport) menaikkan: the company has ~d him to district manager, syarikat itu telah menaikkan pangkatnya menjadi pengurus kawasan; the winning team was ~d to the first division, pasukan yg menang itu telah dinaikkan ke bahagian satu; 2. publicize to increase sales or popularity, membuat promosi utk, mempromosikan: a campaign to ~ his new album, kempen utk mempromosikan album barunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pass | ~ out, a. (colloq) faint, pengsan: he ~ed out in the heat, dia pengsan dlm keadaan panas itu; b. complete military training, tamat latihan: the cadets are to ~ out in June, kadet-kadet itu akan tamat latihan pd bulan Jun; ~ st out, distribute st freely, mengedarkan sst (secara percuma): free samples were ~ out to all attending the promotion campaign, sampel-sampel percuma diedarkan kpd semua yg menghadiri kempen promosi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |