prose | n 1. language that is not in verse form, prosa: one of the best known ~ writers of his time, salah seorang penulis prosa yg terkenal pd zamannya; 2. translation exercise, latihan terjemahan: I’ve got to finish a French ~ by this afternoon, saya mesti menyiapkan latihan terjemahan ke bahasa Perancis selewat-lewatnya petang ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
racy | adj 1. lively, rancak: a ~ prose style, gaya prosa yg rancak; 2. suggestive, agak /lucah, cabul/: a ~ comedy, komedi yg agak lucah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
colourful | adj berwarna-warni: a ~ butterfly, kupu-kupu yg berwarna-warni; ~ prose, prosa yg berwarna-warni; he’s had a ~ life, hidupnya berwarna-warni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intelligible | adj that can be (easily) understood, /boleh, dapat/ difahami: to write in plain, ~ prose, menulis prosa yg sederhana dan mudah difahami; the frightened child was hardly ~, kata-kata budak yg ketakutan itu tdk dapat difahami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
turgid | 2. (of style, language) boring, membosankan; (pompous) terlalu muluk; (abstruse) sukar (difahami): ~ prose, prosa yg membosankan; a ~ speech, praising his leader, ucapan yg terlalu muluk yg memuji pemimpinnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
verse | n 1. poetry, puisi: he finds ~ easier to write than prose, dia mendapati lebih mudah menulis puisi drpd prosa; the play is in ~, drama itu dlm bentuk puisi; a child’s Book of V~, Buku Puisi kanak-kanak; 2. (group of lines in poetry or music), rangkap: a poem of five ~s, puisi lima rangkap; 3. (in the Koran, Bible) ayat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pellucid | adj (liter.) 1. jernih: the ~ pool, kolam yg jernih airnya; 2. (fig.) jelas: ~ writing, penulisan yg jelas; ~ prose, prosa yg jelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
poem | n 1. piece of writing in verse, puisi, sajak: a collection of Byron’s ~s, koleksi puisi Byron; 2. literary writing in poetic language, puisi prosa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
obscure | adj 1. (not easily understood) sukar difahami; (not clear in meaning) kabur: ~ points of metaphysics, butir-butir metafizik yg sukar difahami; a piece of prose written in an ~ style, prosa yg ditulis dgn gaya yg sukar difahami; the poem is difficult and ~, sajak itu kabur dan sukar difahami; the meaning of the passage is still ~ to me, bagi saya, makna teks itu masih kabur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Latin | adj 1. (of language) bahasa Latin; (of verse, inscription, etc) Latin: ~-based languages, bahasa-bahasa yg berasaskan bahasa Latin; the teacher set the class a ~ prose, guru itu menyuruh murid-muridnya membuat prosa Latin; 2. (of race, peoples, etc) bangsa Latin; (rel to their characteristics) spt + approp n orang Latin: the ~ nations are found in Southern Europe, bangsa-bangsa Latin terdapat di Eropah Selatan; a person with a ~ temperament, orang yg tabiatnya spt tabiat orang Latin; ~ looks, wajah yg spt wajah orang Latin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |