proceeding | n 1. (leg.) prosiding, tindakan undang-undang: the government instituted ~s against the tax evaders, kerajaan mengambil tindakan undang-undang ke atas pengelak cukai; court ~s are sometimes held in camera, prosiding mahkamah kadangkala diadakan secara tertutup; 2. course, line of action, perjalanan: all the newspapers carried reports of the ~s at the meeting, semua akhbar menyiarkan berita ttg perjalanan mesyuarat itu; 3. (in pl) records of a society or group, rekod: the P~s of the Royal Asiatic Society are available in the National Library, rekod Persatuan Asia Diraja boleh didapati di Perpustakaan Negara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stay 1 | vt 1. (leg.) postpone a judicial proceeding, menggantung: the Supreme Court has a general power to ~ any proceedings, Mahkamah Agung mempunyai kuasa am utk menggantung sebarang prosiding; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
voluminous | adj 1. loose and full, kembang: a ~ skirt, skirt kembang; 2. copious, panjang lebar: he took ~ notes of the proceedings, dia membuat catatan yg panjang lebar ttg prosiding itu; ~ correspondence, surat-menyurat yg panjang lebar; 3. (of writer) producing many books, banyak menulis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |