undoing | 2. ruin, punca /kemusnahan, kebinasaan/: he brought about his own ~, dia sendiri yg menjadi punca kemusnahan dirinya; drink and gambling were his ~, arak dan judi ialah punca kemusnahannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
umdo | 2. ruin, punca /kemusnahan, kebinasaan/: he brought about his own ~, dia sendiri yg menjadi punca kemusnahan dirinya; drink and gambling were his ~, arak dan judi ialah punca kemusnahannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
source | 2. cause, punca: an infected tooth could be the ~ of all your troubles, gigi yg rosak mungkin merupakan punca semua penyakit kamu; racial prejudice was the chief ~ of turbulence in the country, prasangka ras merupakan punca utama pergolakan di negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
origin | n 1. source, asal; (of river etc) punca; (of quarrel, unrest, etc) punca: to trace the ~ of a word, mengesan asal sst perkataan; the ~s of ancient civilization, asal tamadun kuno; be of...~, berasal dr...: the word is of Chinese ~, perkataaan itu berasal dr bahasa Cina; has its ~ in, (of river) punca [sungai] di; (quarrel, unrest) berpunca drpd: the river has its ~ in the mountains, punca sungai itu di gunung tersebut; 2. parentage, birth, keturunan; country of ~, negara asal; of...~, berketurunan, berasal...: a man of humble ~s, lelaki yg berketurunan rendah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bane | n punca penderitaan, perosak: drink was the ~ of his life, araklah punca penderitaan hidupnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
livelihood | n mata pencarian, punca /pendapatan, pencarian/: fishing is his ~, menangkap ikan merupakan punca pencariannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
source | n 1. starting point of a river, punca: the river has its ~ in the Titiwangsa Range, punca sungai itu di banjaran Titiwangsa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ruin | his speculation brought him to ~, spekulasinya membawanya kpd kemusnahan; on the road to ~, sedang menuju /kehancuran, kemusnahan, kebinasaan/; 3. cause of downfall, destruction, etc, punca /kehancuran, kemusnahan, kebinasaan/: gambling was his ~, perjudian ialah punca kehancurannya; the long drought was the ~ of many farmers, musim kemarau panjang ialah punca kemusnahan bagi ramai petani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
root | n 1. (part of a plant) akar: to pull up the plant by the ~s, mencabut pokok itu dgn akarnya sekali; 2. root crop, tanaman berakar; 3. embedded part of hair, nail, etc, akar; 4. source, punca: money is the ~ of all evil, wang ialah punca segala maksiat; the ~ of the problem is incompatibility, punca masalah itu ialah ketakserasian; /get at, go to, strike at/ the ~(s) of, mencari puncanya; the ~ cause, punca; 5. (in pl) family ties, origins, asal-usul, asal: her ~s are here, in this country, asalnya di sini, di negeri ini; 6. (ling) kata akar; 7. (math) punca kuasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
square root | n punca kuasa dua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |