desolate | vt 1. depopulate, (act.), (hampir) memupuskan penduduk; (pass.) penduduk (hampir) pupus, hampir pupus penduduknya: the plague had ~d the village, wabak penyakit hampir memupuskan penduduk di kampung itu; a country ~d by civil wars, negara yg hampir pupus penduduknya akibat perang saudara; 2. devastate, (act.) memusnahkan, membinasakan; (pass.) musnah, binasa: the city has been ~d by persistent bombardment, bandar raya itu musnah akibat pengeboman yg berterusan; 3. make forlorn, (act.) membuat [sso] /kesepian, berasa sepi/; (pass.) kesepian, berasa sepi: he was utterly ~d by his son’s death, dia kesepian disebabkan kematian anaknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dies1 | ~ out, pupus: many species of animals have ~d out, banyak spesies binatang yg telah pupus; a custom that is dying out, adat yg semakin pupus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extinct | adj 1. no longer existing, pupus: over the millennia several species of animals have become ~, dlm kurun-kurun yg lalu, beberapa spesies haiwan telah pupus; this tradition, unless something is done about it, may soon become ~, tradisi ini, kecuali sesuatu tindakan diambil, mungkin pupus tdk lama lagi; 2. (of volcano) no longer active, mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extinction | n 1. act of making extinct, state of being extinct, kepupusan, (menjadi) pupus: the ~ of these species of plant, kepupusan spesies tanaman ini; scientists fear that the panda is in danger of ~, ahli-ahli sains khuatir beruang panda akan menjadi pupus; hilltribes threatened with ~, puak bukit yg hampir pupus; 2. (fml) act of extinguishing, a. (fire) pemadaman; b. (hope etc) melenyapkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead | 6. obsolete, outdated, sudah /lapuk, usang, mati/; (of language), /sudah, telah/, /mati, pupus/: a ~ custom, adat resam yg sudah lapuk; a ~ issue, isu yg sudah lapuk; 7. (colloq) very tired, (sudah) tdk bermaya lagi, separuh mati, letih lesu: after all that walking, I’m just ~, selepas berjalan kaki sekian jauh, saya tdk bermaya lagi; 8. worked out, a. (of oil well) kering; b. (of mine) tdk mengeluarkan hasil lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wild | in the ~, di hutan belantara: this particular bird is becoming rare in the ~, burung jenis ini semakin pupus di hutan belantara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
safely | 2. with certainty, dgn pasti: we can ~ say that the dinosaur is extinct, dgn pasti kita boleh mengatakan bahawa dinosaur telah pupus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dying | adj 1. ceasing to live, hampir mati: a ~ man, lelaki yg hampir mati; 2. disappearing, hampir /pupus, luput, lenyap/: a ~ civilisation, tamadun yg hampir luput; 3. rel to time before death, pd saat akhir hayat sso: his ~ words, kata-kata yg diluahkan pd saat akhir hayatnya; ~ wish, permintaan terakhir; 4. (of fire) hampir mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disappear | vi 1. pass from sight, hilang, lenyap, lesap: the important files have ~ed from the cabinet, fail-fail yg penting telah hilang dr kabinet; the swindler ~ed without a trace, penipu itu lesap tanpa dapat dikesan; 2. go away deliberately, menghilangkan diri: he ~ed for days on end, dia menghilangkan diri berhari-hari lamanya; 3. cease to be, lenyap, luput; (of pain) hilang: these problems will not ~ just like that, masalah-masalah ini tdk akan lenyap begitu sahaja; 4. become extinct, pupus: a species which is fast ~ing, spesies yg pupus dgn cepatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dwindle | vi 1. diminish, semakin /berkurangan, susut/; (of hopes) semakin /pudar, tipis/: the population is dwindling, bilangan penduduk semakin berkurangan; his fortune ~d, kekayaannya semakin berkurangan; 2. decline, semakin merosot: the port ~d in importance, kepentingan pelabuhan itu semakin merosot; 3. shrink, mengecil; (as st recedes from view) kelihatan semakin kecil: the star ~d to a speck in the sky, bintang itu kelihatan semakin kecil di langit; 4. (of race, species, etc) semakin pupus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |