qualm | n misgiving, rasa ragu-ragu: he abandoned his family without a ~, dia meninggalkan keluarganya tanpa rasa ragu-ragu; /feel, have/ ~s, berasa ragu-ragu: a modern-day Robin Hood who had no ~s about robbing the rich to give to the poo | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
doubtful | adj 1. feeling doubt, having misgivings, (berasa) ragu-ragu: I’m still ~ about the result, saya masih ragu-ragu ttg keputusan itu; the management was ~ of the wisdom of her actions, pihak pengurusan berasa ragu-ragu ttg kebijaksanaan tindakannya; you look ~, kamu kelihatan ragu-ragu; 2. causing doubt, meragukan, menyangsikan, menimbulkan /keraguan, kesangsian/: his account of the incident is rather ~, ceritanya ttg kejadian itu meragukan; a ~ reply, jawapan yg meragukan; 3. debatable, diragui: it’s ~ whether we can meet the deadline, adalah diragui sama ada kita dapat menepati tarikh akhir; 4. unsettled, belum tentu (lagi): the future seems ~, masa depan belum tentu lagi; 5. questionable, causing suspicion, mencurigakan: his travel documents looked ~, so we had them checked out, dokumen perjalanannya mencurigakan, jadi kami memeriksanya; a ~ character, orang yg mencurigakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dubious | adj 1. (not certain) ragu-ragu; (not certain as well as suspicious) was-was, curiga, ragu-ragu: I am ~ about the wisdom of the plan, saya ragu-ragu ttg kebijakan rancangan itu; after observing her movements I became ~ about her motives, selepas memperhatikan gerak-gerinya, saya menjadi curiga ttg motifnya; 2. causing doubt, diragui, disangsikan, dicurigai: he failed to get the job because of his ~ record, dia gagal mendapat pekerjaan itu krn rekodnya yg diragui; I wouldn’t trust such a ~ character to run my business, saya tdk akan mempercayai orang yg dicurigai spt itu utk menjalankan perniagaan saya; a scheme of ~ advantage, rancangan yg faedahnya diragui; 3. uncertain (in result) belum pasti: the consequences of such an action is still ~, akibat tindakan spt itu masih belum pasti; 4. (ironical) questionable, meragukan: that certainly was a ~ compliment, pujian itu memang meragukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
second thought | have ~s, (berasa) ragu-ragu: she’s suddenly having ~s about buying the car, tiba-tiba dia berasa ragu-ragu utk membeli kereta itu; he had decided to accept the offer and then he started having ~s, dia telah membuat keputusan utk menerima tawaran itu kemudian dia mula berasa ragu-ragu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sceptical | adj ragu-ragu, was-was, skeptis: he was ~ about his chances of success, dia ragu-ragu thdp peluangnya utk berjaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
doubtfully | adv uncertainly, dgn /ragu-ragu, keraguan/: the child looked ~ at me, kanak-kanak itu memandang saya dgn ragu-ragu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
terms | in no uncertain ~, tanpa ragu-ragu: I told her in no uncertain ~ that I was displeased, tanpa ragu-ragu saya memberitahunya bahawa saya marah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uncertain | in no ~ terms, dgn tdk ragu-ragu: he has been criticising me in no ~ terms, selama ini dia mengkritik saya dgn tdk ragu-ragu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scepticism | n (attitude of doubt towards particular claim etc) sikap /ragu-ragu, skeptis/; (doubt that one feels about st) keraguan, rasa /ragu-ragu, was-was/: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reservation | he expressed certain ~s about the proposals, dia menyatakan keraguan ttg usul-usul itu; /with, without/ ~, /dgn, tanpa/ /ragu-ragu, sangsi/: he accepted the plan with ~s, dia menerima rancangan itu dgn ragu-ragu; I agree with you without ~, saya bersetuju dgn kamu tanpa ragu-ragu; 4. (US) area of land set aside for American Indians, tanah rizab; 5. (leg.) reservasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |