intrigue | n 1. act, practice of plotting, (membuat) rancangan jahat: this plotting and ~ must be stopped, amalan berkomplot dan membuat rancangan jahat ini mesti dihentikan; he uses ~ to get what he wants, dia menggunakan rancangan jahat utk mendapatkan apa yg dikehendakinya; 2. plot, scheme, rancangan jahat, komplot: there were constant ~s to overthrow the new government, komplot utk menggulingkan kerajaan baru itu sering berlaku; political ~s, komplot-komplot politik; 3. (archaic) secret love affair, hubungan sulit: the ~s of his promiscuous wife, hubungan-hubungan sulit isterinya yg tdk bermoral itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
viewing | n 1. act of watching television, menonton: the programme makes good ~, rancangan itu memang baik ditonton; 2. television programmes collectively, rancangan televisyen: late night ~, rancangan televisyen larut malam; 3. act of seeing, watching, tontonan: a programme suitable for late-night ~, rancangan yg sesuai utk tontonan lewat malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plan | n 1. detailed scheme for achieving an objective, rancangan: the company is drawing up ~s for future projects, syarikat itu sedang membuat rancangan utk projek-projek masa depan; the fifth Malaysia five-year ~, rancangan lima tahun Malaysia Kelima; 2. way of achieving st, cara, jalan: I have a ~ for overcoming the difficulties, saya ada jalan utk mengatasi masalah-masalah ini; the best ~ would be for you to go first and I’ll follow later, cara yg paling baik ialah kamu pergi dahulu dan saya ikut kemudian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
general | adj 1. involving the whole rather than a part, menyeluruh: ~ decay, kerosakan yg menyeluruh; the announcement caused ~ uproar, pengumuman itu menyebabkan berlakunya kegemparan yg menyeluruh; 2. common, widespread, umum, ramai: matters of ~ interest, soal-soal kepentingan umum; the new TV programme has become a ~ favourite, rancangan baru TV itu telah menjadi kegemaran umum; the ~ opinion is that he is guilty, pd pendapat umum dia bersalah; 3. comprehensive, not restricted, am, umum: schemes to improve the ~ welfare of the farmers, rancangan-rancangan utk meningkatkan kebajikan am para petani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glut | n 1. oversupply, lebihan, kebanjiran: the government compensated the wheat farmers to avoid a ~ in the market, kerajaan memberikan pampasan kpd petani-petani gandum utk mengelakkan lebihan dlm pasaran; 2. too great a quantity, membanjiri: there’s been a ~ of detective programmes on TV lately, rancangan-rancangan penyiasatan membanjiri televisyen kebelakangan ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fluid | adj 1. able to flow, bendalir: oxygen, like other gases is a ~ substance, oksigen, spt gas-gas lain, ialah bahan bendalir; 2. (liable to change) boleh berubah; (can be changed) dapat diubah: the political situation is ~, situasi politik boleh berubah; our plans are ~, rancangan-rancangan kami dapat diubah; 3. (of movement) smooth-flowing, gemalai, lemah longlai, lemah gemalai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frustrate | vt 1. a. prevent (so.) from doing st, menghalang: the authorities ~d me in my attempts to escape, pihak berkuasa menghalang saya dlm percubaan melarikan diri; b. discourage, (act.) mengecewakan; (pass.) kecewa: Timothy was ~d by the lack of cooperation from the other departments, Timothy kecewa krn kurangnya kerjasama drpd jabatan-jabatan lain; 2. thwart, mematahkan: these plans must be ~d at all costs, rancangan-rancangan ini mesti dipatahkan walau dgn cara apa pun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scheme | n 1. a. plan devised by person for work or action, rancangan, skim: our ~ of attack is as follows..., rancangan serangan kita adalah spt yg berikut...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nostrum | n 1. quack medicine, ubat tipu; 2. st intended to solve a problem, rancangan, cara: there’s no easy ~ for the solution of society’s problems, tdk ada rancangan yg mudah utk menyelesaikan masalah masyarakat; political ~, helah politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground plan | n 1. diagram of ground floor of building, pelan tingkat bawah; 2. basic outline of anything, rancangan asas: they have a ~ but have yet to work out the details, mereka mempunyai rancangan asas tetapi masih belum membuat perinciannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |