responsive | adj 1. sensitive, receptive, responsif: a very ~ audience, penonton yg sangat responsif; the horse, ~ to his soothing voice and hand, soon quietened down, kuda yg responsif thdp suara dan sentuhannya yg menenangkan itu tdk lama kemudian menjadi tenang; 2. reacting quickly, responsif: the steering is ~ to the slightest touch, stering itu responsif thdp sedikit saja sentuhan; 3. done in reply to st, balas: a ~ nod, anggukan balas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unresponsive | adj tdk responsif: the students were ~ to the lecture, penuntut-penuntut tdk responsif thdp kuliah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |