visible | adj 1. capable of being seen, /boleh, dapat/ dilihat: cracks that are ~ in the wall, retak-retak yg boleh dilihat pd dinding itu; no ~ damage has been done, tdk ada kerosakan yg boleh dilihat telah dilakukan; despair was ~ on their faces, perasaan putus asa dapat dilihat di wajah mereka; 2. apparent, ketara, jelas, nyata: this object serves no ~ purpose, benda ini tdk jelas kegunaannya; no ~ sign of danger, tdk ada tanda bahaya yg ketara; 3. (of light) tampak; 4. (of exports etc) tampak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cracked | adj 1. split into fissures, merekah; 2. split into thin lines, retak: the ~ walls of the old castle, dinding istana lama yg retak; 3. (of skin, lips) pecah-pecah; 4. (colloq) crazy, gila, sewel, miring. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rock 1 | on the ~s, (colloq) a. short of money, kesempitan (wang); b. (of marriage) broken down, retak: her marriage is on the ~, her husband hardly comes homes, perkahwinannya sudah retak, suaminya jarang balik ke rumah; c. (of drink) mixed with ice cubes, dgn ketul /ais, air batu/: I’ll have vermouth on the ~s, saya hendak vermouth dgn ketul ais. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | n 1. fissure, split, rekahan: we could see through a ~ in the wall, kami dapat melihat menerusi rekahan di dinding; 2. slight split accompanied by thin lines, retak: a cup full of ~s, cawan yg banyak retaknya; 3. sudden, sharp noise, [various translations]: the ~ of a rifle shot, bunyi letupan senapang; the ~ of thunder, bunyi dentuman guruh; the ~ of a whip, bunyi lecutan cemeti; 4. attempt, percubaan: his first ~ at writing a book, percubaan pertamanya menulis buku; 5. see WISECRACK; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | 2. horizontal straight marks printed on page, baris, garis: he wrote the title on the first ~ of the page, dia menulis tajuk itu pd baris pertama muka surat itu; 3. fine indented mark on skin, garis(-garis) /ketuaan, kedut/; (palm of hand) garis(-garis), retak: the ~s of old age are beginning to show on his face, garis-garis ketuaan mula kelihatan di mukanya; there are different names for the ~s on the palm of the hand, ada beberapa nama yg berbeza bagi garis-garis pd tapak tangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | 2. horizontal straight marks printed on page, baris, garis: he wrote the title on the first ~ of the page, dia menulis tajuk itu pd baris pertama muka surat itu; 3. fine indented mark on skin, garis(-garis) /ketuaan, kedut/; (palm of hand) garis(-garis), retak: the ~s of old age are beginning to show on his face, garis-garis ketuaan mula kelihatan di mukanya; there are different names for the ~s on the palm of the hand, ada beberapa nama yg berbeza bagi garis-garis pd tapak tangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heal | vi usu ~ up, ~ over, 1. sembuh, baik; (of broken bone) bertaut semula: the wound soon ~ed up, tdk lama luka itu pun sembuh; 2. (fig.) pulih: the rift between them ~ed over and they are now quite friendly, perhubungan yg retak antara mereka sudah pulih dan mereka sekarang berbaik semula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crazed | adj 1. (crazy, insane) gila; (wildly excited, extremely angry) spt orang gila: a ~ woman, wanita yg gila; the police could not control the ~ mob, polis tdk dapat mengawal perusuh-perusuh yg spt orang gila; be ~ with, bagai hendak gila: she was ~ with grief, dia sedih bagai hendak gila; 2. cracked, retak seribu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | vt 1. cause to split into fissures, merekahkan: expansion and contraction have ~ed the beams, pengembangan dan pengecutan telah merekahkan alang itu; 2. cause to split into thin lines, meretakkan: a ball thrown by the children ~ed the window pane, bola yg dibaling oleh budak-budak itu telah meretakkan cermin tingkap; 3. accidentally fracture, reta_òk: he ~ed the eggs when he fell against the table, telur itu retak apabila dia tersandung meja; 4. (skin, lips) menyebabkan pecah-pecah: the extreme cold ~ed his lips, kesejukan yg amat sangat menyebabkan bibirnya pecah-pecah; 5. also ~ open, split open, memecahkan: to ~ the safe, memecahkan peti besi; 6. accidentally hit with forceful blow, pecah: he ~ed his head when he fell, kepalanya pecah sewaktu dia terjatuh; 7. cause voice to break, menjadikan serak: emotion ~ed his voice, tekanan emosi menjadikan suaranya serak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |