life | have a /difficult, easy/ ~, hidup /susah, senang/; 7. biography, riwayat hidup, biografi: the ~ of Shakespeare, riwayat hidup Shakespeare; 8. liveliness, cergas; (of party, gathering, etc) meriah; (of voice etc) bertenaga, bersemangat: his twins are full of ~, anak-anak kembarnya sangat cergas; her birthday party was full of ~, majlis hari jadinya sangat meriah; he looked tired and there was no ~ at all in his voice, dia nampak letih dan suaranya tdk bersemangat langsung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
life | have a /difficult, easy/ ~, hidup /susah, senang/; 7. biography, riwayat hidup, biografi: the ~ of Shakespeare, riwayat hidup Shakespeare; 8. liveliness, cergas; (of party, gathering, etc) meriah; (of voice etc) bertenaga, bersemangat: his twins are full of ~, anak-anak kembarnya sangat cergas; her birthday party was full of ~, majlis hari jadinya sangat meriah; he looked tired and there was no ~ at all in his voice, dia nampak letih dan suaranya tdk bersemangat langsung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
biography | n biografi, riwayat hidup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
life history | n (biol) riwayat hidup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
life history | n (biol) riwayat hidup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
death-knell | n ; be the ~ of, menandakan /berakhirnya, tamatnya/ (riwayat). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
probe | vt 1. examine (wound etc) memeriksa dgn teliti: the doctor ~d the wound, doktor memeriksa luka itu dgn teliti; 2. investigate, menyiasat: by probing his past we may find the reason for his suicide, dengan menyiasat riwayat hidupnya yg dulu, kita mungkin akan tahu sebab dia membunuh diri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ingredient | n 1. component part of mixture etc, bahan, ramuan: put all the ~s into a large bowl, masukkan semua bahan ke dlm mangkuk besar; 2. a. any of the qualities that constitute st, ramuan: his life story has the ~s of a good novel, riwayat hidupnya boleh dijadikan ramuan novel yg baik; the ~s of a long-lasting relationship, ramuan bagi perhubungan yg berkekalan; b. st that brings about a situation, faktor: lack of attention and parental control are the ~s of juvenile delinquency, kurangnya perhatian dan kawalan ibu bapa merupakan faktor kesalahasuhan budak-budak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enact | vt 1. make a law, menggubal: parliament is expected to ~ new legislation on income tax, parlimen dijangka menggubal undang-undang baru ttg cukai pendapatan; 2. represent in or as in a play, melakonkan: the play ~s the story of her life, drama itu melakonkan riwayat hidupnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
engage | ~ in, take part in, melibatkan diri dlm: she ~s in many social activities, dia melibatkan diri dlm banyak kegiatan sosial; ~ os in, a. >take part in (act.) melibatkan diri dlm; (pass.) terlibat dlm: he has been ~d in business for the past five years, dia terlibat dlm perniagaan sejak lima tahun yg lalu; b. (usu pass.) be busy with, sibuk: he’s ~d in writing his memoirs, dia sibuk menulis riwayat hidupnya: ~ so. in conversation, mengajak sso berbual; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |