Maklumat Kata

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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata sama banyak


Banyak-banyak gula kuragi,
     Tidaklah sama bunga paku;
Banyak-banyak tempat kupergi,
     Tidaklah sama si Jongok Batu.

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Menggeriak bagai anak nangui.

Bermaksud :

Banyak sekali. (Peribahasa lain yang sama makna: Bagai anak nangui). geriak = berkerumun banyak-banyak.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

fifty-fiftyadv (dgn) sama banyak: we divided it up ~, kami membahagikannya sama banyak; to go ~, berkongsi sama banyak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
equallyadv 1. to an equal degree or in an equal manner, sama [adj], sama-sama [v]: they are ~ rich, mereka sama kaya; the two are ~ responsible for the failure, kedua-dua mereka sama-sama bertanggungjawab atas kegagalan itu; divide st ~, membahagikan sst sama banyak: his estate was divided ~ among his five children, harta pusakanya dibahagikan sama banyak antara lima orang anaknya; 2. in equal shares or parts, sama banyak: the burden of responsibility lies ~ upon all of us, beban tanggungjawab terletak sama banyak atas kita; they shared the work ~ between them, mereka berkongsi kerja itu sama banyak antara mereka; 3. at the same time, by the same token, pd masa yg sama.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fifty-fiftyadj (colloq) sama banyak; (of chance) lima puluh lima puluh: on a ~ basis, atas dasar sama banyak: he has a ~ chance of survival, peluangnya utk hidup lima puluh lima puluh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
Allb. (to an apologyII) tdk /apa(-apa), mengapa/; (colloq) tak /apa(-apa), mengapa/: “Sorry to trouble you.” “Not at ~!”, “Maaf mengganggu saudara.” “Tak apa-apa!”; c. (to an expression of thanks) sama-sama; (fml) terima kasih kembali: “Thank you very much!” “Not at ~!”, “Terima kasih banyak-banyak!” “Sama-sama!”; in ~, semuanya, jumlahnya: we have invited 55 guests in ~, tamu-tamu yg kita undang 55 semuanya; in all but..., almost, hampir; (used with n) hampir-hampir merupakan: the play is ~ but over, sandiwara itu hampir tamat; he was ~ but dead from thirst, dia hampir mati dahaga; this letter is ~ but an ultimatum, surat ini hampir-hampir merupakan kata dua;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
whollyadv sama sekali: there were many suggestions but they were not ~ new, terdapat banyak cadangan tetapi bukanlah sama sekali cadangan baru; I disagree with you ~, saya sama sekali tdk bersetuju dgn kamu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pocket he’s been lining his ~s all these years at the company’s expense, dia banyak makan duit syarikat selama ini; live in each other’s ~, terlalu bergantung antara satu sama lain: we’d been living in each other’s ~s for the past few months, kami terlalu bergantung antara satu sama lain sejak beberapa bulan yg lalu; money burns a hole in o’s ~, (colloq) sso membazir-bazirkan wang: you’d think that money was burning a hole in his ~ the way he spends, kamu fikir dia membazir-bazirkan wang drpd cara dia membelanjakannya; out of ~, mengalami kerugian: he came home from the casinoKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dayone of these (fine) ~s, (pd) suatu hari nanti; one of those ~s, hari yg serba tdk kena; some ~, suatu hari nanti; that will be the ~, (humorous) tunggulah sampai kucing bertanduk; the ~ after tomorrow, lusa; the ~ before yesterday, kelmarin (dulu); the ~ is ours, kita telah menang; /the, this/ ~ of ~s, hari yg istimewa /ini, itu/; the next ~, keesokan harinya, (pd) esok harinya; the other ~, tempoh hari; /this ~, today/ of all ~s, dlm banyak(-banyak) hari, hari ini pula; this ~ /week, fortnight, etc/, hari yg sama /minggu hadapan, dua minggu dr sekarang, dsb/, /seminggu, dua minggu, dsb/ dr hari ini; those were the ~s, (interj) seronok betul pd masa itu; to /a, the/ ~, genap: six months ago to the ~, genap enam bulan dulu; to this ~, hingga hari ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blow1~ out, a. be sent out by force of air, wind, terbang keluar: when I cleaned out the drawers a lot of dust blew out, apabila saya membersihkan laci banyak habuk terbang keluar; b. stop blowing, reda sama sekali: the storm blew out after a few days, ribut reda sama sekali selepas beberapa hari; c. be extinguished, padam: the flame blew out, api itu padam; d. burst, meletup: the tyre blew out on the highway, tayar itu meletup di lebuh raya; e. (of fuse) terbakar; f. (of electrical appliance) rosak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
amountvi; usu ~ to, a. reach a total of, jumlah [sst], [sst] berjumlah: he wanted to know what his debts ~ed to, dia hendak mengetahui jumlah hutangnya; the bill ~ed to one hundred ringgit, bil itu berjumlah seratus ringgit; b. mean, dimaksudkan oleh, maksud, erti; (st) sama seperti, bererti: this is what his statement ~s to, inilah yg dimaksudkan oleh kenyataannya itu; what he did ~ed to embezzlement, yg dilakukannya itu sama seperti penggelapan wang; ~ to little, tdk banyak ertinya; ~ to nothing, tdk bererti: his arguments ~ to nothing, hujah-hujahnya tdk bererti; it ~s to the same thing, itu sama sahaja; will /not, never/ ~ to /much, anything/, tdk akan berjaya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
spend2. pass or use (time etc) menghabiskan: he ~s all day studying, dia menghabiskan masa sepanjang hari utk belajar; I spent my whole life in the same town, saya menghabiskan masa hidup saya di bandar yg sama; a lot of time and effort have been spent on this project, banyak masa dan usaha yg dihabiskan utk projek ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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