garbage | 1. refuse, domestic waste, sampah(-sarap): don’t forget to put out the ~, jangan lupa meletakkan sampah di luar; 2. (colloq & derog) nonsense, tripe, (sst yg) karut: he does talk a load of ~, dia bercakap karut saja; 3. (computer technology) sampah; ~ in, ~ out, sampah masuk, sampah keluar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scum | 3. (colloq & derog) worthless person, sampah: here all the ~ of society congregate, di sinilah tempat semua sampah masyarakat berkumpul; get out of here, you ~!, keluar dr sini, sampah!; the ~ of the earth, sampah dunia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rubbish | n 1. waste material, refuse, sampah(-sarap): the household ~ is collected twice a week, sampah rumah dipungut dua kali seminggu; a heap of garden ~, setimbun sampah laman; a ~ dump, tempat longgok sampah; 2. useless, trivial things, benda yg tdk berguna: the children spend their money on ~, budak-budak itu membelanjakan wang mereka membeli benda-benda yg tdk berguna; 3. nonsense, approp n + yg /bukan-bukan, karut/: I don’t know why you listen to such ~, saya tdk tahu mengapa kamu mendengar cerita yg bukan-bukan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scrap-heap | n 1. pile of waste material, timbunan sampah sarap; 2. (fig.) spt sampah: I’m old but you can’t put me on the ~ yet, saya sudah tua, tapi kamu tdk boleh mengetepikan saya spt sampah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
trash | 4. (US) garbage, sampah: the ~ is collected twice a week, sampah dipungut dua kali seminggu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
trash | 3. (US) worthless person, sampah masyarakat: they treated him like ~, mereka memperlakukannya spt sampah masyarakat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
litter | n 1. rubbish, sampah: the back alleys were full of ~, lorong-lorong belakang penuh dgn sampah; 2. jumble, berselerak, bersepah: she sat on the floor surrounded by a ~ of old newspapers, dia duduk di lantai di kelilingi surat khabar lama yg berselerak; 3. group of animals born at one birth, seperanak, seperinduk: a ~ of kittens, seperinduk anak kucing; 4. straw or hay used as bedding for animals, jerami; 5. absorbent, granular substance to be used by house animals, pasir kumbahan: cat ~, pasir kumbahan kucing; 6. (formerly) means of conveyance, transport, tandu, joli; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
waste-paper basket, waste-paper bin | n bakul sampah: he threw the empty can into the ~, dia membuang tin kosong itu ke dlm bakul sampah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leper | n 1. person having leprosy, pesakit kusta; 2. (fig.) outcast, sampah: he was treated like a ~ by his own people, dia diperlakukan spt sampah oleh orang-orangnya sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leper | n 1. person having leprosy, pesakit kusta; 2. (fig.) outcast, sampah: he was treated like a ~ by his own people, dia diperlakukan spt sampah oleh orang-orangnya sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |