compare | ~ /favourably, unfavourably/ with, /se + approp adj, tdk se + approp adj/ dgn: his essays ~d favourably with Paine’s and Hazlitt’s, esei-eseinya setanding dgn esei Paine dan Hazlitt; /cannot, does not/ ~ with, tdk /se + approp adj, dapat dibandingkan dgn/: the course ~d unfavourably with the one we attended in Manila, kursus itu tdk sebaik kursus yg kami hadiri di Manila; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
often | every so ~, from time to time, dr (se)masa ke (se)masa: every so ~ the machine will need oiling, dr semasa ke semasa, mesin itu perlu dibubuhi minyak; how ~, berapa kerap: how ~ do the buses run here?, berapa kerap bas lalu di sini?; more ~ than not, selalunya; once too ~, terlalu kerap: he took the risk once too ~, and had a nasty accident, krn terlalu kerap mengambil risiko, dia terlibat dlm kemalangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intersperse | 2. diversify with things scattered here and there, (approp v) dr (se)masa ke (se)masa: a tragic play ~d with moments of humour, drama yg tragik yg disisipi peristiwa-peristiwa yg melucukan dr semasa ke semasa; days spent basking in the sun ~d with trips to the island, hari-hari yg dihabiskan dgn berjemur di tengah panas dan diselangi lawatan ke pulau itu dr semasa ke semasa; his account of how he stayed up all night to finish the paper was ~d with yawns, dia menguap dr semasa ke semasa ketika menceritakan bagaimana dia bekerja semalaman utk menyelesaikan kertas itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
the | adv (with compar adj or adv, relating two qualities or situations which increase or decrease in intensity in direct proportion to each other) by so much, (se)makin ... (se)makin..., lebih... lebih...; (relating two static situatio | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
day-to-day | n 1. a day at a time as it comes, dr (se)hari ke (se)hari: to live a ~ existence, hidup dr sehari ke sehari; 2. routine, harian: the ~ administration of the office, pentadbiran harian pejabat itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
SE | abbrev Tenggara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
per se | n per se. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
a, an | ~ ... or two , se-[classifier] dua; (preceding units of foreign currency) satu: it costs ~ dollar fifty, harganya satu dollar lima puluh sen, se-[n of type listed in sense 4. above] dua, satu dua [n]: he’ll arrive in ~n hour or two, dia tiba sejam dua lagi; ~ word or two, sepatah dua kata; drink ~ glass or two of water, minumlah air segelas dua; he’s written ~ book or two on that subject, dia pernah menulis buku sebuah dua ttg hal itu; not ~ (single) ..., tdk se-[classifier + n] pun, tdk se-[n of type listed in sense 4. above] pun: I didn’t understand ~ word, saya tdk mengerti sepatah kata pun; he hasn’t ~ penny, dia tdk punya sesen pun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
whole | adj 1. a. not divided or cut up, [se- or numeral] approp classifier; (with n showing quantity), [se- or numeral] penuh; (in pl) se- (duplication of classifier): I want a ~ cake, not just a slice, saya mahu sebiji kek, bukan hanya sepotong; two ~ loaves will fill the box nicely, dua buku roti akan muat elok-elok dlm kotak itu; she cooked a ~ duck for dinner, utk makan malam, seekor itik itu dimasaknya; I ordered a ~ bottle of wine, not half, saya meminta sebotol penuh wain, bukannya setengah botol; ~ nuts, kekacang sebiji-sebiji; ~ lychees in syrup, laici sebiji-sebiji dlm air gula; b. (of vase, cup, etc) not broken or damaged, tdk terjejas: in that set only one glass is ~, the rest being chipped or broken, dlm set itu, hanya satu gelas saja yg tdk terjejas, yg lainnya sumbing atau pecah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dies1 | ~ off, mati se + classifier demi se + classifier: the livestock are all dying off from disease, binatang ternakan itu mati seekor demi seekor krn penyakit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |