odd | 8. unmatched, sebelah lain sebelah lain: you must be mad to go out wearing those ~ socks!, gila agaknya kamu keluar dgn memakai stokin sebelah lain sebelah lain!; 9. (unpredictable) tdk tentu; (miscellaneous) itu sedikit ini sedikit: he is liable to turn up at ~ moments, dia mungkin datang pd masa-masa yg tdk tentu; we browsed in the shop and bought a few ~ things, kami melihat-lihat di kedai itu dan membeli itu sedikit ini sedikit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
other | (at, on) the ~ side, (di) sebelah yg satu lagi; (in relation to observer), (di) sebelah sana; (of river, street, frontier), (di) /seberang, sebelah/ sana; (of town, city, etc), (di) sebelah sana: the building is flanked by a park on one side and a police station on the ~ side, bangunan itu diapit oleh taman bunga di sebelah yg satu dan balai polis di sebelah yg satu lagi; she always walks on the ~ side of the street, dia selalu berjalan di seberang sana jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
opposite | ~ side, /sebelah, seberang/ sana, seberang; (of table) sebelah sana: the Smiths live on the ~ side of the street, keluarga Smith tinggal di sebelah sana jalan; I watched her cross to the ~ side of the room, saya memperhatikannya melintas ke sebelah sana bilik; b. being, situated on facing (sides, ends of st) kedua-dua: they were seated at ~ ends of the table, mereka duduk di kedua-dua hujung meja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
partisan | adj biased, berat sebelah: his comments are very ~, komennya terlalu berat sebelah; a ~ attitude, sikap berat sebelah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unbiased | adj tdk /berat sebelah, berpihak, memihak/: an ~ opinion, pendapat yg tdk berat sebelah; an ~ commentator, pengulas yg tdk berat sebelah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inner | adj 1. inside, interior, sebelah dalam; (of ear) dalam: an ~ courtyard, laman sebelah dalam; the door leading to the ~ office was locked, pintu masuk ke pejabat sebelah dalam berkunci; the cupboard has an ~ compartment, almari itu mempunyai ruang sebelah dalam; an infection in the ~ ear, jangkitan pd telinga dalam; 2. central part of, bahagian tengah: an office in ~ Sydney, pejabat di bahagian tengah Sydney; 3. (of meaning) obscure, tersirat, terselindung, tersembunyi: was there an ~ meaning to that remark?, apakah ada maksud yg tersirat dlm kata-kata itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
side | on either ~ of /so., st/, sebelah-menyebelah /sso, sst/: the children walked on either ~ of their father, anak-anak itu berjalan sebelah-menyebelah bapa mereka; on the /right, left/ (hand) ~, di sebelah /kanan, kiri/: she sat on the right hand ~ of the host, dia duduk di sebelah kanan tuan rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
over | neighbours chatting ~ the fence, jiran yg sedang berbual-bual, seorang di sebelah sini dan seorang di sebelah sana pagar; he spoke to me ~ his shoulder, sambil berpaling dia bercakap; she looked ~ the hedge to see what the commotion was all about, dia menjengokkan kepalanya ke sebelah sana pagar pokok renek utk mengetahui kekecohan yg berlaku; 5. (indic movement) across, a. (boundary, brook) ke /sebelah, seberang/ sana: the wanted criminal escaped ~ the frontier, penjenayah yg dikehendaki oleh pihak polis itu telah melarikan diri ke sebelah sana sempadan; to jump ~ a brook, melompat ke seberang sana anak sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aside | adv ke /sebelah, tepi, samping, sisi/: she pulled the curtain ~ to let in more air, dia menarik langsir ke sebelah utk membiarkan udara masuk lebih banyak; in her haste, she pushed me ~, krn hendak cepat, dia menolak saya ke sebelah; his father took him ~ to tell him the news, bapanya menariknya ke sebelah utk memberitahunya ttg berita itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
next | prep usu ~ to, a. beside, di sebelah; (person) di sebelah, di sisi: the shop ~ to the Japanese restaurant, kedai di sebelah restoran Jepun; come and sit down ~ to me, marilah duduk di sisi saya; ~ to each other, bersebelah(-sebelahan): they’ve been working ~ to each other for years, sudah bertahun-tahun mereka bekerja bersebelah-sebelahan; b. (with negative words) almost, hampir: this book is ~ to worthless, buku ini hampir tdk bernilai; ~ to nothing, sedikit sekali: they know ~ to nothing about their own history, mereka tahu sedikit sekali ttg sejarah mereka sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |