dress | ~ down, (UK) berpakaian tdk secantik yg biasa; ~ so. down, scold so., memarahi sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nine | /dressed (up)/ to the ~s, berpakaian secantik-cantiknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nearly | not ~, tidak: this dress is not ~ as pretty as hers, baju ini tidak secantik bajunya; not ~ enough, jauh drpd cukup: there’s not ~ enough food to feed everyone here, makanan jauh drpd cukup utk memberi makan setiap orang di sini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gaze | ~ /on, upon/, set eyes on, melihat: she had never before ~d on such a beautiful piece of jewellery, dia tdk pernah melihat barang kemas yg secantik itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unflattering | adj 1. seemingly less attractive than in reality, tdk se- + approp adj /sso, sst/: an ~ photograph of his wife, gambar isterinya yg tdk secantik orangnya; an ~ description of the country, pemerian ttg negeri itu yg tdk seindah negerinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flatter | vt 1. praise insincerely, mengangkat (-angkat), memuji: he got what he wanted by ~ing the manager, dia mendapat apa yg dikehendakinya dgn mengangkat pengurus itu; you ~ me. I’m not that pretty, kamu mengangkat saya. Saya tidaklah secantik itu; 2. (usu pass.) cause to be pleased, berbesar hati, berasa bangga: I am ~ed to be invited to address this assembly, saya berbesar hati krn diundang utk berucap di perhimpunan ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sinful | n 1. wicked, bad, berdosa: adultery is ~, perzinaan itu berdosa; these ~ men, orang-orang yg berdosa ini; 2. (colloq) wrong, reprehensible, [various translations]: it is ~ to let such a beautiful monument be destroyed, rugi membiarkan tugu yg secantik ini dimusnahkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bit1 | ~ by ~, sedikit-sedikit, sedikit demi sedikit; ~s and bobs, ~s and pieces, keropas-kerapis; a ~ at a time, sedikit-sedikit, sedikit demi sedikit; a ~ of a, rather, agak, boleh dikatakan: he’s a ~ of a coward, dia itu agak pengecut; a ~ of all right, (sl), (of person) menarik; a ~ on the side, (colloq) makan luar; do o’s ~, memberi sumbangan; every ~ as, benar-benar sama... spt, benar-benar se-[+ approp adj]: she is every ~ as pretty as her sister, dia benar-benar secantik kakaknya or dia benar-benar sama cantik spt kakaknya; for a ~, see WHILE (for a while); not a ~ (of it) tdk sedikit pun; take a ~ of, take a considerable amount of, mesti berani sedikit: it takes a ~ of courage to address a large audience, mesti berani sedikit utk berucap di hadapan hadirin yg ramai; thrilled to ~s, (colloq), /seronok, suka/ sangat; to ~s, sehingga berkecai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
any | a. (when non-emphatic in Malay) approp n, -nya: he needed some money; unfortunately I didn’t have ~, dia memerlukan wang; sayangnya saya tdk ada wang; no job and no prospect of ~, tdk ada kerja dan tdk ada harapan utk mendapatnya; b. (when emphatic in Malay) mana-mana (pun), mana-mana (saja): I need some chairs. Can I take ~ of these?, saya memerlukan kerusi. Boleh saya ambil mana-mana di antara kerusi-kerusi ini?; choose ~ you like, pilihlah mana-mana saja yg kamu sukai; c. (foll “as”) yg lain-lain: scenery as beautiful as ~ in the Seychelles, pemandangan yg secantik pemandangan yg lain-lain di Seychelles; d. (in conditional sentences) ada, mana-mana: if ~ of the tapes should be lost, you will be held responsible, jika ada yg hilang di antara pita-pita ini, kamu akan dipertanggungjawabkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |