glut | ~ os, over-indulge os with food, satiate os, mengisi perut sso sekenyang-kenyangnya: he ~ted himself with good food and wine, dia mengisi perut sekenyang-kenyangnya dgn wain dan makanan yg sedap-sedap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appreciation | 4. enjoyment, tahu menikmati; (work of art, music, etc) penikmatan, penghayatan, tahu /menikmati, menghayati/: known for his ~ of good food, dia dikenali sbg orang yg tahu menikmati makanan yg sedap-sedap; to have no ~ of modern art, tdk tahu menikmati seni lukis moden; 5. increase (in value) kenaikan (nilai): an ~ in the value of gold, kenaikan nilai emas; 6. review of book, play etc, ulasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beautiful | the mosque is generally regarded as the most ~ in the country, masjid itu dianggap umum sbg yg paling indah di negara ini; the most ~ of all the holiday resorts, tempat peranginan yg paling indah antara yg ada; you can get a ~ view from the top of Penang Hill, kita dapat melihat pemandangan yg indah dr puncak Bukit Bendera; 2. delighting the ear, merdu, sedap, /sedap, enak/ didengar: she has a ~ voice, suaranya merdu; 3. delighting the sense of taste, sedap, enak, lazat: the food was ~, makanan yg dihidangkan sedap; 4. appealing to the sense of smell, sedap; (of scent) wangi, harum, sedap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strange | 5. unwell, (physically) tdk sedap badan; (emotionally) tdk sedap hati: I feel ~. I’d like to lie down for a while, saya rasa tdk sedap badan. Saya hendak berbaring sekejap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cuddlesome, cuddly | adj sedap dipeluk: a ~ kitten, seekor anak kucing yg sedap dipeluk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
palatable | adj 1. sedap rasanya: a ~ dish , hidangan yg sedap rasanya; 2. ( fig. ) dapat diterima: she was told the truth, and did not find it ~, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unpalatable | adj 1. tdk /sedap, enak/ (rasanya): ~ food, makanan yg tdk sedap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nice | ~ and, (colloq) sedap dan... : the tea is ~ and hot, teh itu sedap dan panas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cushy | adj (colloq) mudah dan sedap: a ~ job, pekerjaan yg mudah dan sedap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good | b. (of food, taste, smell) sedap, enak: this soup tastes ~, sup ini sedap rasanya; c. (of fire) menyala dgn /baik, elok/; d. (of view) dgn /jelas, terang/: we have a ~ view of the harbour, kita dapat melihat pelabuhan itu dgn jelas; 2. not decayed, broken, damaged, etc, baik, elok, bagus; (of teeth) sihat, kuat: is the meat still ~?, daging ini masih elok?; ~ eyesight, penglihatan yg baik; 3. virtuous, morally admirable, baik: a ~, pious woman, perempuan yg baik dan alim; do a ~ deed, berbuat /amal, baik/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |