next | ~ time, a. the following occasion, kali (yg) berikut(nya): the ~ time was in Madrid, two years later, kali berikutnya ialah di Madrid, dua tahun kemudian; b. on any subsequent re-occurrence, lain kali: ~ time please give me more notice, lain kali tolong beritahu saya lebih awal; ~ thing, the ~ (thing) so. knows, sedar-sedar: the ~ thing I knew, I was sitting in a police car, sedar-sedar saya sudah duduk di dlm kereta polis; as... as the ~ /person, man, etc/, spt /orang, manusia/ lain (juga): I’m as scared of poisonous snakes as the ~ person, saya takut akan ular berbisa spt orang lain juga; one minute... (and) the ~, mulanya... /tiba-tiba, alih-alih/: one minute the sun was shining, the ~ it was raining, mulanya matahari bersinar, tiba-tiba hujan turun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conscious | adj 1. aware, sedar: he was ~ of his own faults, dia sedar akan kesalahannya; the climber was ~ of a sudden change in temperature, pendaki gunung itu sedar akan perubahan suhu yg tiba-tiba; 2. alert and awake, sedar: he was still ~ when they brought him to the hospital, dia masih sedar semasa mereka membawanya ke hospital; 3. intentional, deliberate, disengajakan; (attrib), (v) dgn sengaja: prejudice against women is still there, although it is not always ~, prasangka thdp wanita masih wujud, walaupun tdk ditunjukkan dgn sengaja; he made a ~ effort to be pleasant to her, dia berusaha dgn sengaja utk bermesra dgn gadis itu; 4. very concerned with particular aspect of life etc, sedar ttg: even women have become politically ~, wanita pun telah sedar ttg politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
revive | vi regain a. (health, strength) pulih (consciousness) sedar /semula, balik, kembali/: he ~d after being unconscious for three days, dia sedar semula selepas tdk sedar selama tiga hari; b. (of flower) segar semula: the wilted flowers ~ in water, bunga-bunga yg layu itu segar semula dlm air; c. (of hope etc) hidup kembali: our hope ~d at the sound of the plane, harapan kami hidup semula apabila mendengar bunyi kapal terbang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
subliminal | adj subconscious, bawah sedar: ~ memory, ingatan bawah sedar; ~ advertising is banned on television, pengiklanan bawah sedar diharamkan di televisyen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
subconscious | adj /separa, bawah /sedar: the ~ mind, minda separa sedar; she had built up a ~ resentment against her sister, dia menaruh rasa benci yg separa sedar thdp adiknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mindful | adj sedar: he was ~ of the great responsibilities entrusted to him, dia sedar akan tanggungjawab besar yg dipikulnya; ever ~ of the danger of kidnapping, he made sure his son was guarded round the clock, sentiasa sedar akan bahaya ber | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unconscious | 2. not aware, tdk sedar: they seemed ~ of the danger, mereka nampaknya tdk sedar akan bahaya itu; he was ~ of the fact that he had upset his mother, dia tdk sedar bahawa dia telah menyusahkan hati ibunya; 3. unintentional, tdk disengajakan: an ~ blunder, kesilapan yg tdk disengajakan; his ~ bias towards certain employees, sifat berat sebelah yg tdk sengajakannya thdp pekerja-pekerja tertentu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consciousness | n 1. awareness, kesedaran; (have) a ~ of, sedar akan: he had a sudden ~ of danger, dia tiba-tiba sedar akan bahaya; 2. totality of person’s thoughts and feelings, kesedaran: the political ~ of a nation, kesedaran politik sst bangsa; 3. state of being alert, awake, kesedaran; lose ~, tdk sedar; regain ~, sedar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unconscious | adj 1. having lost consciousness, tdk sedar, pengsan: the blow on his head knocked him ~, pukulan di kepala membuatnya tdk sedar; the ~ girl was lifted into the ambulance, budak perempuan yg tdk sedar itu diangkat ke dlm ambulans; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
into | 9. a. (indic period of time taken before an activity comes to an end) hingga: they danced ~ the small hours, mereka menari hingga larut malam; b. (indic period of time that elapsed), [various translations]: before we knew it we were already well ~ August, sedar-sedar saja sudah masuk bulan Ogos; four days ~ his stay, he started complaining about the food served at the hostel, setelah empat hari tinggal di situ, dia mula merungut ttg makanan di asrama itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |