conscious | adj 1. aware, sedar: he was ~ of his own faults, dia sedar akan kesalahannya; the climber was ~ of a sudden change in temperature, pendaki gunung itu sedar akan perubahan suhu yg tiba-tiba; 2. alert and awake, sedar: he was still ~ when they brought him to the hospital, dia masih sedar semasa mereka membawanya ke hospital; 3. intentional, deliberate, disengajakan; (attrib), (v) dgn sengaja: prejudice against women is still there, although it is not always ~, prasangka thdp wanita masih wujud, walaupun tdk ditunjukkan dgn sengaja; he made a ~ effort to be pleasant to her, dia berusaha dgn sengaja utk bermesra dgn gadis itu; 4. very concerned with particular aspect of life etc, sedar ttg: even women have become politically ~, wanita pun telah sedar ttg politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consciousness | n 1. awareness, kesedaran; (have) a ~ of, sedar akan: he had a sudden ~ of danger, dia tiba-tiba sedar akan bahaya; 2. totality of person’s thoughts and feelings, kesedaran: the political ~ of a nation, kesedaran politik sst bangsa; 3. state of being alert, awake, kesedaran; lose ~, tdk sedar; regain ~, sedar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unconscious | adj 1. having lost consciousness, tdk sedar, pengsan: the blow on his head knocked him ~, pukulan di kepala membuatnya tdk sedar; the ~ girl was lifted into the ambulance, budak perempuan yg tdk sedar itu diangkat ke dlm ambulans; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insensible | ad j (fml) 1. unconscious, pengsan, tdk sedarkan diri; 2. unaware, tdk sedar: I’m not ~ of how much I owe to your support, saya bukan tdk sedar betapa saya terhutang budi thdp sokongan saudara; be ~ of, tdk /menyedari, sedar akan/: she was ~ of her danger, dia tdk sedar akan bahaya yg mungkin menimpanya; she seemed ~ of the honour you had conferred upon her, dia nampaknya tdk menyedari penghormatan yg telah tuan berikan kepadanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aware | adj 1. ~ /of, that/, conscious, having realization, sedar akan, menyedari; (having knowledge) tahu: he was fully ~ of the dangers, dia cukup sedar akan bahayanya; I was not ~ that he is married, saya tdk tahu bahawa dia sudah berkahwin; make so. ~ of, menyedarkan sso ttg, /membuat, menyebabkan/ sso sedar akan; 2. informed, alert, mempunyai kesedaran: to be politically ~, mempunyai kesedaran politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
realize | vt 1. be conscious of, sedar: I fully ~ the difficulties, saya benar-benar sedar kesulitan-kesulitan itu; 2. achieve, merealisasikan, mencapai: everyone must work towards realizing the country’s aspirations, setiap orang mestilah berusaha ke arah mencapai aspirasi negara; 3. bring or get money by sale etc, merealisasikan: the sale of the house ~d $50,000, jualan rumah itu merealisasikan $50,000. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unaware | adj 1. not conscious of, tdk sedar: he was ~ of giving any offence, dia tdk sedar bahawa dia telah menyakitkan hati orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stun | vt 1. render unconscious, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] /pengsan, tdk sedar/; (pass.) pengsan, tdk sedar: the blow ~ned him for a few minutes, tumbukan itu menyebabkan dia pengsan selama beberapa minit; she was ~ned by the fall from the ladder, dia pengsan akibat jatuh dr tangga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unconsciousness | n 1. being unconscious, tdk sedar: the patient lapsed into ~ at 2 p.m., lelaki yg cedera itu terus tdk sedar pd pukul 2 petang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
size 1 | cut so. down to ~, membuat sso sedar: someone should tell him off and cut him down to ~, sepatutnya ada orang yg menegurnya dan membuat dia sedar; of a ~, sama besar: the three girls are all of a ~, ketiga-tiga budak perempuan itu sama besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |