occasional | adj 1. not regular, infrequent, sekali-sekala, sekali-sekali: he still gets ~ attacks of asthma, sekali-sekala dia masih diserang sakit lelah; you see an ~ car on the village road, sekali-sekala kelihatan kereta di jalan kampung; the forecast is for ~ showers, menurut ramalan cuaca, hujan turun sekali-sekala; 2. (fml & tech) composed etc for special purpose, peristiwa: ~ verse, sajak peristiwa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sporadic | adj 1. occurring once in a while, isolated, sekali-sekala: although the disease is dying out, ~ outbreaks still occur, sungguhpun hampir lenyap, sekali-sekala penyakit itu masih terjadi; ~ showers, hujan turun sekali-sekala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sporadically | adv sekali-sekala: he works but only ~, dia bekerja tetapi hanya sekali-sekala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
odd | 4. occasional, kadang-kadang, kadang kala, sekali-sekala, sekali-sekali: we do get the ~ obscene call, sekali-sekala kami mendapat panggilan lucah; 5. approximately, more or less, lebih kurang: it will cost him forty ~ dollars, dia terpaksa membayar lebih kurang empat puluh dollar; three hundred ~ people were present, lebih kurang tiga ratus orang hadir; 6. (of number) not even, ganjil: three, five and seven are ~ numbers, tiga, lima dan tujuh ialah nombor ganjil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
occasionally | adv (modifying verb) sekali-sekali, sekali-sekala; (modifying adj) kadang kala, kadang-kadang: he still writes to me ~, dia masih menulis kpd saya sekali-sekala; she was petulant and ~ wayward, dia bengkeng dan kadang kala perangainya tdk menentu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spasmodic | adj 1. done by fits and starts, occasional, sekali-sekala: his interest in the children’s progress is ~, minatnya thdp kemajuan kanak-kanak itu hanyalah sekali-sekala sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
once | ~ in a while, sekali-sekali, sesekali, sekali-sekala: my colleague enjoys a glass of beer, but only ~ in a while, rakan sekerja saya suka minum bir, tetapi hanya minum sesekali saja; he still goes to the office ~ in a while, dia masih pergi ke pejabat sekali-sekala; ~ more, a. one more time, /sekali, satu kali/ lagi: she was asked to sing the song ~ more, dia diminta menyanyikan lagu itu sekali lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
moon | jarang-jarang sekali, sekali sekala: her son visits her once in a blue ~, anak lelakinya jarang-jarang sekali datang melawatinya; over the ~, (colloq) seronok sangat: she’s over the ~ at winning the award, dia seronok sangat kr | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
every | ~ now and /again, then/, ~ so often, sekali-sekala, sesekali; ~ one of /them, us, you/, setiap seorang drpd /mereka, kami, kamu/; ~ other (day, week, etc), /selang, lat/ /sehari, seminggu, dll/; ~ which way, (US), (colloq), [various translations]: you’ll have to do your hair again, it’s going ~ which way, kamu mesti merapikan rambutmu. Rambutmu kusut betul; when the police fired tear gas at the crowd, everyone started to run ~ which way, apabila polis menembakkan gas pemedih mata ke arah orang ramai, semua orang mula lari bertempiaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
time | from ~ to ~, dr semasa ke semasa, dr masa ke masa, sekali-sekala: I still meet them from ~ to ~, saya masih berjumpa dgn mereka dr semasa ke semasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |