solitary | adj 1. habitually alone, selalu /bersendirian, berseorangan/: she’s a ~ sort of person, dia jenis orang yg selalu bersendirian; a ~ child, kanak-kanak yg selalu bersendirian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frequent | adj /kerap (kali), sering (kali), selalu/ + approp v; (attrib) kerap (kali), sering (kali), selalu; (with compar & superl) kerap, sering: thunderstorms are ~ in the area, ribut petir kerap berlaku di kawasan ini; they made~ changes to the text, mereka selalu membuat perubahan pd teks itu; her letters became more ~, suratnya makin kerap diterima; the most ~ visitor was Mr Naidhu, pengunjung yg paling kerap ialah Encik Naidhu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
well-thumbed | adj selalu diselak-selak: a ~ magazine, majalah yg selalu diselak-selak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
time | half the ~, (colloq) selalu, sentiasa: half the ~ he sleeps at meetings, dia selalu tidur dlm mesyuarat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
always | adv 1. everytime, selalu, sentiasa: she’s ~ complaining about her health, dia selalu bersungut ttg kesihatannya; 2. at all times, sentiasa, selamanya: the sun ~ sets in the west, matahari sentiasa terbenam di sebelah barat; carbon dioxide is ~ present in the atmosphere, karbon dioksida sentiasa ada di dlm atmosfera; 3. in all cases, semuanya: this species ~ has webbed feet, spesies ini semuanya mempunyai kaki yg berkulit renang; 4. in any case, [not translated]: if you don’t feel well, you can ~ take the day off, kalau kamu berasa tdk sihat kamu boleh bercuti; 5. forever, sentiasa, selama-lamanya: I shall ~ remember your kindness, saya akan sentiasa mengenang budi baikmu; for ~, (colloq) utk selama-lamanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
absent-minded | adj 1. abstracted, selalu lupa, pelupa: an ~ professor, seorang profesor yg selalu lupa; 2. reflecting abstractedness, yg diucapkan secara tdk sedar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sickly | 1. unhealthy, often ill, selalu /sakit, uzur/, berpenyakit; (of plant) berpenyakit: he was a ~ child, dia seorang budak yg selalu sakit; a ~ -looking rose bush, pokok bunga mawar yg kelihatan berpenyakit; 2. pale, characteristic of sickness, pucat lesi: she has a ~ complexion, mukanya pucat lesi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
haunt | vt 1. frequent, selalu mengunjungi: men and women who ~ bars to pass the time, lelaki dan perempuan yg selalu mengunjungi bar utk menghabiskan waktu; 2. (of ghost etc) menunggui: the house was ~ed by a headless ghost, rumah itu ditunggui oleh hantu yg tdk berkepala; 3. recur in the mind, sentiasa bermain; (to trouble, obsess) menghantui: ~ed by fear, dihantui oleh rasa takut; 4. continually seek company of, bertempel dgn: those who ~ the president naturally have some favours to ask, orang-orang yg bertempel dgn presiden itu tentu saja ada pertolongan yg hendak diminta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wrong-headed | adj 1. constantly making wrong judgements, selalu salah anggapan: a ~ young man, pemuda yg selalu salah anggapan; 2. mistaken, salah: a ~ idea, gagasan yg salah; a ~ attitude, sikap yg salah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
see 1 | ~ /a lot, nothing, etc/ of so., /selalu berjumpa, tdk berjumpa langsung/ dgn sso: they have been ~ing a lot of each other since they came back, mereka selalu berjumpa sejak mereka pulang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |