good | greetings) selamat: have a ~ trip, selamat jalan; ~ morning, selamat pagi; 18. (as form of praise) bagus: ~ old John!, bagus, John!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
season | compliments of the ~, S~’s greetings, selamat Hari Krismas dan selamat Tahun Baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
welcome | interj selamat datang: W~ to Malaysia, Selamat Datang ke Malaysia; ~ /home, back/, selamat /pulang, kembali/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adieu | n 1. (said by so. who is leaving) selamat tinggal: make o’s ~s, mengucapkan selamat tinggal; 2. (said to so. who is leaving) selamat jalan: he bade his guests ~, dia mengucapkan selamat jalan kpd tetamu-tetamunya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
safety | 2. safe place, tempat yg selamat; (when the place is specified) yg selamat: those who were trapped in the burning hotel were dragged to ~, mangsa-mangsa yg terperangkap dlm hotel yg sedang terbakar itu diheret ke tempat yg selamat; after drifting for hours in the open sea, we reached the ~ of the coast, selepas hanyut berjam-jam di laut lepas, kami sampai ke pantai yg selamat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unsafe | adj 1. not safe, exposed to danger, tdk selamat: the bridge was declared to be ~, jambatan itu diumumkan sbg tdk selamat; he felt very ~ riding the motorbike, dia berasa tdk selamat menunggang motorsikal; it would be ~ for you to go into a factory site without a helmet, memang tdk selamat bagi kamu utk masuk ke kawasan kilang tanpa memakai topi keledar; 2. capable of being turned around, questioned, boleh /dipertikaikan, dipersoalkan/: the argument is based on ~ facts, hujah itu berdasarkan fakta-fakta yg boleh dipertikaikan; the judge felt that the jury’s verdict was ~, hakim berasa bahawa keputusan juri itu boleh dipertikaikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
safe | 2. not likely to cause danger or harm, selamat: the doctor pronounced the water ~ for drinking, doktor telah mengumumkan bahawa air itu selamat utk diminum; the bridge is no longer ~ for traffic, jambatan itu tdk lagi selamat utk lalu lintas; it is not ~ to drive at such high speed, adalah tdk selamat utk memandu begitu laju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
secure | 3. free from danger or loss, selamat: in the fort they were ~ from attack, dgn berada di dlm kubu itu mereka selamat drpd serangan; he could not rest until the money was ~ in the bank, dia berasa tdk tenang sehingga wang itu selamat disimpan di dlm bank; here, we are ~ from interruption, di sini kita selamat drpd diganggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tuck | ~ st away, a. store st in a safe place, (act.) menyimpan [sst] dgn selamat; (pass.) tersimpan dgn selamat: she found the letter ~ed away at the back of the drawer, dia menjumpai surat itu tersimpan dgn selamat di bahagian belakang laci; I have some money ~ed away in a bank, saya ada wang sedikit yg tersimpan dgn selamat dlm bank; b. (colloq) eat a lot of (food), menghabiskan: he can ~ away a whole chicken at one meal, dia boleh menghabiskan seekor ayam sekali makan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
safe | adj from danger, harm, etc, selamat: we are ~ from attack here, kita selamat drpd serangan di sini; she never feels ~ unless all the doors are locked, dia tdk akan berasa selamat kecuali semua pintu telah dikunci; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |