reading | 3. formal announcement, pembacaan: the whole family gathered in the house to hear the ~ of their grandfather’s will, seluruh ahli keluarga berkumpul utk mendengar pembacaan wasiat datuk mereka; 4. interpretation of st said or written, tafsiran: their ~ of the situation in the Middle East, tafsiran mereka ttg situasi di Timur Tengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pop 1 | ~ in, pay a short visit, menjenguk, menjengah: why don’t you ~ in tomorrow as the whole family will be here, jenguklah esok krn seluruh ahli keluarga akan berada di sini; ~ o’s head in, menjengukkan kepala: she ~ped her head in to see what was going on, dia menjengukkan kepalanya utk melihat apa yg sedang berlaku; ~ in and out, keluar masuk: the secretary kept ~ping in and out of the room all the time I was there, setiausaha itu asyik keluar masuk bilik sepanjang masa saya di situ; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
round | prep 1. circling, mengelilingi: he travelled ~ the world in 80 days, dia mengembara mengelilingi dunia dlm masa 80 hari; the earth moves ~ the sun, bumi bergerak mengelilingi matahari; 2. so as to be on all sides of, di keliling: the family were seated ~ the table, seluruh ahli keluarga duduk di keliling meja; she had a belt ~ her waist, dia memakai tali pinggang di keliling pinggangnya; 3. in various or all directions, ke sekeliling: she looked ~ her, dia memandang ke sekelilingnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
world-famous | n /termasyhur, terkenal/ di seluruh dunia: a ~ scientist, ahli sains yg termasyhur di seluruh dunia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nationally | adv 1. from a national point of view, dr sudut kepentingan kebangsaan: the question must be considered ~, persoalan itu mesti dipertimbangkan dr sudut kepentingan kebangsaan; 2. on a national scale, di seluruh negara: a ~ known economist, seorang ahli ekonomi yg terkenal di seluruh negara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nation | n 1. politically organized community of people, negara: the newly independent ~s, negara-negara yg baru merdeka; a member ~ of the Commonwealth, negara ahli Komanwel; the Prime Minister addressed the whole ~ on National Day, Perdana Menteri berucap kpd seluruh negara pd Hari Kebangsaan; most favoured ~, negara keutamaan; 2. large group of people of the same race and language, bangsa: the Palestinian ~, bangsa Palestin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apply | 4. devote, employ diligently, menumpukan: we must ~ all our energies to solving this problem, kita mesti menumpukan seluruh tenaga kita utk menyelesaikan masalah ini; ~ os to (st) menumpukan perhatian sso thdp (sst): to ~ os to the task at hand, menumpukan perhatian sso thdp kerja yg sedang dilakukan; 5. bring into operation, effect, mengenakan; (brakes) menekan: the rules are only applied to temporary members, peraturan itu dikenakan hanya kpd ahli sementara; to ~ economic sanctions, mengenakan sekatan ekonomi; 6. use in reference (to so., st) menggunakan: the word “courageous” can never be applied to him, perkataan “berani” tdk wajar digunakan untuknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interest | he offered to buy out his brother’s ~ in the firm, dia menawar utk membeli kepentingan abangnya dlm firma tersebut; the man who has the controlling ~ in the steel mill, orang yg mempunyai kepentingan mengawal dlm kilang keluli itu; a financier with business ~s all over the world, ahli kewangan yg mempunyai kepentingan perniagaan di seluruh dunia; 7. group of people having common concern, aims, etc, [no specif translation]: the landed ~, tuan-tuan tanah; the mining ~s, pelombong-pelombong; the business ~s, para usahawan; ~ group, kumpulan berkepentingan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |