lay-off | n 1. temporary dismissal, pemberhentian kerja sementara: because of the ~, production has gone down, pengeluaran merosot akibat drpd pemberhentian kerja sementara itu; 2. period of reduced activity, tempoh pemberhentian kerja sementara: during the ~ some of the men found work doing odd jobs, dlm tempoh pemberhentian kerja sementara itu, sesetengah pekerja membuat kerja-kerja rencam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay-off | n 1. temporary dismissal, pemberhentian kerja sementara: because of the ~, production has gone down, pengeluaran merosot akibat drpd pemberhentian kerja sementara itu; 2. period of reduced activity, tempoh pemberhentian kerja sementara: during the ~ some of the men found work doing odd jobs, dlm tempoh pemberhentian kerja sementara itu, sesetengah pekerja membuat kerja-kerja rencam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
while | conj 1. at the same time as, semasa, sementara, ketika, sewaktu: the accident occurred ~ he was on the way to visit us, kemalangan itu berlaku semasa dia dlm perjalanan utk melawat kami; ~ I was abroad she was still studying, semasa saya berada di luar negeri, dia masih belajar; he was writing the letter ~ waiting for Mary, dia menulis surat itu sementara menunggu Mary; 2. whereas, manakala, sementara, sedangkan: he got a job in the city, ~ his brother remained a farmer in the village, dia mendapat kerja di bandar, manakala abangnya masih menjadi peladang di desa; some people are fortunate, ~ others are not, sesetengah orang bernasib baik, manakala yg lain tdk; 3. although, walaupun... tetapi: ~ I admit she is right, I still doubt her motives, walaupun saya mengaku dia tdk bersalah, tetapi saya masih meragui motifnya; 4. as long as, selagi: ~ there’s life, there’s hope, selagi ada hayat, selagi itu ada harapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hibernate | vi 1. pass the winter in torpid state, berhibernat, tidur tapa; 2. become inactive or dormant, berehat sementara: he ~s in his log cabin for a few months each year, dia berehat sementara di pondok balaknya utk beberapa bulan setiap tahun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spirit 1 | n 1. non-physical part of person, roh: many religions regard the body as a temporary home for the ~, banyak agama yg menganggap jasad sbg tempat sementara bagi roh; prayers to the ~s of the dead, doa utk roh-roh orang yg telah mati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
transient | adj 1. lasting for a short time, seketika, sekejap, sementara, cepat berlalu: the worry was only ~, kebimbangan itu hanya seketika sahaja; a ~ moment of happiness, kebahagiaan seketika sahaja; a ~ feeling of guilt, rasa bersalah yg cepat berlalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broil | vi 1. be cooked by direct heat, dipanggang: while the meat ~ed, sementara daging itu dipanggang; 2. become extremely hot, seolah-olah dipanggang: everybody ~ed in the sun, semua orang seolah-olah dipanggang di bawah cahaya matahari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sequestration | n 1. (leg.) sekuestrasi: ~ temporarily deprives a person of his property, sekuestrasi melucutkan hak sso thdp hartanya buat sementara waktu; 2. confiscation, penyitaan, perampasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pigeon-hole | vt1. shelve, mengetepikan: the project has been ~d for the time being, projek itu telah diketepikan buat sementara waktu; 2. classify or categorize, kategorikan: the work we do cannot be ~d as it changes from week to week, kerja yg kami lakukan tdk boleh dikategorikan krn kerja itu berubah-ubah dr minggu ke minggu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stiffening | n 1. (of muscle) act of becoming stiff, pengejangan: temporary ~ of the muscles is common after strenuous exercise, pengejangan otot yg sementara biasa berlaku selepas bersenam dgn teruk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |