himself | pron 1. (as obj of action) a. (stressed) dirinya (sendiri): he blamed ~ for the disaster, dia menyalahkan dirinya sendiri krn kecelakaan itu; b. (unstressed), [not translated]: he enjoyed ~ at the party, dia rasa seronok di jamuan itu; 2. that very man, boy, etc, sendiri: he ~ said so, dia sendiri yg berkata begitu; I talked to the Minister ~, saya bercakap dgn Menteri sendiri; 3. (in comparisons), (diri)nya: he met someone who is as rich as ~, dia menemui orang yg sama kaya dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bat1 | off o’s own ~, (colloq) a. on o’s own initiative, atas /daya usaha, inisiatif/ sendiri, dgn /daya usaha, inisiatif/ sendiri; b. without approval from anyone, /pandai-pandai sendiri, memandai-mandai/ (sahaja): since you did it off your own ~ I will not pay for the extra cost, krn kamu melakukannya pandai-pandai sendiri sahaja, saya tdk akan membayar kos tambahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
herself | pron 1. (as obj of action) a. (stressed) dirinya (sendiri): she looked at ~ in the mirror, dia melihat dirinya dlm cermin itu; she supports ~, dia menyara dirinya sendiri; b. (unstressed), [not translated]: she cut ~ when chopping the onions, dia terluka semasa memotong bawang; she cried ~ to sleep, dia menangis hingga tertidur; 2. that very girl, woman, sendiri: she ~ did not know the answer, dia sendiri tdk tahu jawapannya; 3. (in comparisons), (diri)nya: a partner as tall as ~, seorang teman yg sama tinggi dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
personally | adv 1. doing st os, sendiri: she designed her wedding gown ~, dia sendiri yg mereka bentuk gaun pengantinnya; 2. on a personal basis, secara peribadi: though I don’t know him ~, I know about him and his literary works, sungguhpun saya tdk mengenalnya secara peribadi, saya tahu tentangnya dan karya-karyanya; 3. giving o’s opinions, bagi (diri) saya, secara peribadi: ~, I’d rather spend the weekend at home, bagi diri saya, saya lebih suka menghabiskan hujung minggu di rumah; take st ~, (derog), /tersinggung, mengambil hati/ thdp sst: I’m sorry that you took my remarks ~, saya kesal kamu mengambil hati thdp kata-kata saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | c. (of army etc) berundur; on o’s own ~, a. at o’s place of work, home, etc, approp n + sso sendiri: if you want his help, it’s better that you meet him on his own ~, jika kamu mahu pertolongannya, lebih baik kamu berjumpa dengannya di rumahnya sendiri; b. in st that one is good at, dlm bidangnya sendiri: I want to beat him on his own ~, saya hendak kalahkan dia dlm bidangnya sendiri; prepare the ~, merintis jalan: his far-sighted reforms prepared the ~ for the country’s transition to democracy, pembaharuan-pembaharuannya yg berpandangan jauh merintis jalan utk peralihan negara ke arah demokrasi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | vt 1. carry out, perform, a. (gen) membuat, melakukan: the children have to ~ physical exercises in the morning, kanak-kanak itu mesti melakukan senaman pd waktu pagi; he ~es his work well, dia membuat kerjanya dgn baik; to ~ a good deed, membuat amalan baik; b. (project, duty) menjalankan; c. (homework) membuat: the children did their homework on their own, budak-budak itu membuat kerja rumah mereka sendiri-sendiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
betray | vt 1. deliver, expose to an enemy by treachery, (mem)belot thdp, mengkhianati: to ~ o’s country, belot thdp negara sendiri; the rebel leader ~ed his own people, ketua pemberontak itu mengkhianati orang-orangnya sendiri; 2. be unfaithful to, mengkhianati; (o’s wife, husband, lover) berlaku curang thdp: he ~ed his principles, dia mengkhianati prinsip-prinsipnya sendiri; to ~ so’s trust, mengkhianati amanah sso; 3. disclose treacherously, membocorkan: to ~ government secrets, membocorkan rahsia kerajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
matricide | n 1. killing o’s own mother, membunuh ibu sendiri; 2.one who does this, pembunuh ibu sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insecure | adj 1. lacking self-confidence, unsure of os, tdk yakin pd diri sendiri: she always feels ~ with strangers, dia selalu berasa tdk yakin pd diri sendiri apabila bersama orang yg tdk dikenalinya; 2. not safe from danger, threat, tdk selamat: the position of the troops was still ~, kedudukan pasukan itu masih tdk selamat; she felt very ~ walking along the rope bridge, dia berasa tdk selamat berjalan di atas titi gantung itu; 3. unstable, tdk terjamin; (of marriage) tdk kukuh: his position in the party is ~, kedudukannya dlm parti itu tdk terjamin; an ~ investment, pelaburan yg tdk terjamin; 4. not firm or dependable, tdk /kukuh, teguh/: the fastening was ~, ikatan itu tdk kukuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
themselves | pron 1. (refl) diri mereka (sendiri); (ref to animals) dirinya: they kept some for ~, mereka menyimpan sedikit utk diri mereka; they will only hurt ~, mereka hanya mencederakan diri mereka sendiri saja; those w | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |