alone | adj & adv 1. on o’s own, (of person) seorang sahaja; (implying independence) seorang diri (sahaja), sendirian; (of animal) /satu, seekor/ sahaja; (of things), (/satu, sebuah/) sahaja: you are not ~ in that opinion, bukan kamu seorang sahaja yg berpendapat begitu; Hamid remained ~ in the shop, Hamid tinggal seorang diri di kedai; my father lives ~, bapa saya hidup sendirian; his house stands ~ on the hill, hanya rumahnya sahaja yg di atas bukit itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mumble | vi 1. mutter, menggumam: she was mumbling to herself, dia menggumam sendirian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
molest | vt 1. attack and harm, menyerang: she would not travel alone for fear of being ~ed, dia tdk berani berjalan sendirian krn takut diserang; 2. (fml) attack sexually, memperkosa, menodai, mencabul kehormatan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
babble | vi 1. talk incoherently, meraban, merapu; (in delirium) meracau: the old man just sat there babbling to himself, orang tua itu duduk di situ sambil meraban sendirian; 2. chatter idly, berceloteh; 3. (of baby) mengagah; 4./b> (of running water) mengalir: the stream that ~s through the valley, anak sungai yg mengalir di lembah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fun | n 1. amusement, gaiety, keseronokan, seronok: the holiday was great ~ for us all, percutian itu ialah satu keseronokan bagi kami semua; there’s no ~ in going on your own, tdk seronok pergi sendirian; we had such ~ at the carnival, kami seronok betul di pesta itu; get some ~, mendapat keseronokan, seronok: they should get some fun out of the trip, mereka harus seronok menyertai rombongan itu; be full of ~, (of person) seronok bersama sso: the children love him because he is full of ~, budak-budak menyukainya krn mereka seronok bersamanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reconciled | adj 1. restored to friendly relations, berdamai, rukun, berbaik semula: the ~ couple, pasangan yg berdamai; 2. resigned to, /telah, sudah/ menerima: she is now quite ~ to living alone, sekarang dia sudah menerima hidup sendirian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |