spirit 1 | vt membawa [n] secara senyap-senyap: they managed to ~ the prisoners of war out of the country, mereka dapat membawa keluar tawanan-tawanan perang secara senyap-senyap dr negeri itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
steal | vi 1. take st without permission, mencuri: he had to ~ to keep himself alive, dia terpaksa mencuri utk terus hidup; 2. creep, approp v + /perlahan-lahan, (secara) senyap-senyap/: she waited until the others were asleep, then stole downstairs to the kitchen, dia menunggu sehingga orang lain tidur, kemudian turun secara senyap-senyap ke dapur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spirit 1 | the witness was ~ed away through a side door of the building, saksi itu telah dibawa pergi secara senyap-senyap melalui pintu samping bangunan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unheard | adj 1. not perceived by the ear, dgn tdk didengar (orang): he walked quietly into the room ~, dia berjalan senyap-senyap masuk ke dlm bilik itu dgn tdk didengar orang; go ~, tdk didengar: his cries for help went ~, pekikannya meminta tolong tdk didengar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
read 1 | n 1. act of reading, pembacaan, membaca: have a quiet ~, membaca senyap-senyap; have a ~ of, (colloq) membaca: he had a ~ of the magazine, dia membaca majalah itu; 2. time spent in reading, masa utk membaca; 3. (colloq) book or writer interesting to read, bahan bacaan: this book is a good ~, buku ini ialah bahan bacaan yg baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
quieten | vi also ~ down, 1. become less loud or noisy, a. (gen) menjadi senyap; (imper & interrog) senyap: the baby ~ed down after a while, bayi itu menjadi senyap tdk lama kemudian; b. (of voice, music | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
silence | n 1. state, quality of being silent, a. (of person) diam, senyap: a sudden ~ fell on us, kami tiba-tiba senyap; b. (of surroundings, environment) keadaan /sunyi, sepi, sunyi-sepi, sunyi-senyap/, kesunyian, kesepian: not a sound broke the ~, tdk ada sedikit bunyi pun yg memecahkan kesunyian itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
quiet | adj 1. not loud or noisy, a. (gen) senyap; (implying absence of people) sunyi, lengang: it was so ~ you could hear a pin drop, sungguh senyap di sini sehinggakan pin jatuh pun dapat didengar; in the ~ co | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
silently | adv 1. without speaking aloud, seolah-olah merayu: her expression ~ pleaded for mercy, air mukanya seolah-olah merayu memohon belas kasihan; 2. without making a sound, dgn senyap: the machine runs ~, mesin itu bergerak dgn senyap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hush | n 1. stillness, silence, keheningan: not a sound was heard in the ~ of the night, tdk kedengaran sebarang bunyi pun dlm keheningan malam itu; 2. suspension of noise, senyap: there was a sudden ~ in the room, bilik itu tiba-tiba menjadi senyap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |