treat | 2. delight, sangat seronok, seronok sekali: it was a ~ for her to go shopping, dia berasa seronok sekali dapat pergi membeli-belah; it was a real ~ to hear your voice again, saya sangat seronok mendengar suara kamu lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frivolity | she is not one to waste time on frivolities, dia bukan orang yg suka membuang masa dgn kegiatan yg seronok-seronok; she wastes her money on frivolities when she should be saving for the future, dia membazirkan wangnya membeli benda-benda yg tdk penting padahal dia sepatutnya menyimpan wang utk masa depannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fun | ~ and games, (colloq) main-main: haven’t you had enough ~ and games yet?, tak puaskah kamu main-main lagi?; figure of ~, bahan ketawa; for ~, for the ~ of it, utk /seronok-seronok, suka-suka/; in ~, melawak: it was said in ~, but Rahim took it seriously, dia melawak saja berkata begitu, tetapi Rahim menganggapnya serius; make ~ of, poke ~ at, mentertawai, mengetawai: he continually poked ~ at me, dia tdk habis-habis mentertawai saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hell | /drive, ride/ ~ for leather, memecut + approp n: he rode ~ for leather when chased by the cops, dia memecut motosikalnya apabila dikejar oleh polis; for the ~ of it, (colloq) utk /suka-suka, seronok-seronok/: he’s taking part just for the ~ of it, dia ambil bahagian utk suka-suka saja; /frighten, annoy, etc/ the ~ out of so., betul-betul /menakutkan, menjengkelkan, dll/ sso; get ~, (colloq) dihamput; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fun | have ~, berseronok-seronok: let’s have some ~, mari berseronok-seronok; 2. source of amusement, keseronokan, seronok, menyeronokkan: snooker is such ~, main snuker sungguh menyeronokkan or seronok betul main snuker or main snuker betul-betul satu keseronokan; we found your friend great ~, kami seronok bersama kawanmu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delight | be a ~, sso seronok (+ approp v): the kitten is a real ~, saya seronok melihat anak kucing itu; his latest release is a real ~, saya sungguh seronok mendengar albumnya yg terbaru; be so’s ~, menyeronokkan sso, menjadi keseronokan sso: roller-skating is his ~, bermain kasut roda menyeronokkannya; fill so. with ~, (act.) menyeronokkan sso; (pass.) sso seronok: she was filled with ~ at the thought of the party, dia seronok apabila memikirkan dia akan menghadiri majlis itu; give (great) ~ to, (sangat) menyeronokkan: his puppet-shows gave ~ to thousands of children, persembahan bonekanya menyeronokkan beribu-ribu kanak-kanak; take ~ in, suka; to so’s ~, sso seronok: to his ~ she accepted his invitation, dia seronok apabila gadis itu menerima pelawaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fun | n 1. amusement, gaiety, keseronokan, seronok: the holiday was great ~ for us all, percutian itu ialah satu keseronokan bagi kami semua; there’s no ~ in going on your own, tdk seronok pergi sendirian; we had such ~ at the carnival, kami seronok betul di pesta itu; get some ~, mendapat keseronokan, seronok: they should get some fun out of the trip, mereka harus seronok menyertai rombongan itu; be full of ~, (of person) seronok bersama sso: the children love him because he is full of ~, budak-budak menyukainya krn mereka seronok bersamanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enjoy | vt 1. take pleasure in a. (music, game, etc), /suka, gemar, seronok/ + approp v; (preceding v) suka, gemar, seronok: he ~s pop music, dia suka mendengar muzik pop; she ~s all kinds of sport, dia suka bermain segala jenis sukan; did you ~ the film?, kamu seronok menonton filem itu? I’ve really ~ed talking to you, saya seronok betul bercakap dgn puan; b. (holiday, weekend, party, etc) seronok semasa [n]: I hope you will ~ your holiday, saya berharap kamu seronok semasa bercuti; c. (meal etc) seronok menikmati [n]: I always ~ your cooking, saya sentiasa seronok menikmati masakan kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kick | for ~s, utk berseronok-seronok (sahaja); get a ~ out of, berasa seronok: vandals get a big ~ out of defacing public property, budak-budak jahat berasa amat seronok merosakkan harta benda awam; give so. a ~, menyebabkan sso sero | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
revel | ~ in, take delight in, (naik) seronok: he ~led in being free to do whatever he wished, dia seronok krn bebas melakukan apa-apa saja yg disukainya; she seems to ~ in gossip, nampaknya dia naik seronok mengumpat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |