free | make ~ with st, /menggunakan, memakai/ sst /sesuka, sekehendak/ hati: I found him making ~ with my books, saya dapati dia menggunakan buku-buku saya sesuka hati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sweet | go o’s own ~ way, buat sesuka hati sso: don’t waste your breath trying to persuade her; she’ll go her own ~ way, tdk guna membuang masa memujuknya; dia akan buat sesuka hatinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
they | 3. (indef person or persons) dia, mereka: everyone thinks ~ can do what ~ like here, setiap orang fikir dia boleh berbuat sesuka hatinya di sini or semua orang fikir mereka boleh berbuat sesuka hatinya di sini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sweet | be ~ on so., (old-fashioned & colloq ), (be fond of) suka dgn sso; (be infatuated with) syok dgn sso; at o’s own ~ will, sesuka hati sso: he comes and goes at his own ~ will, dia datang dan pergi sesuka hatinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
will2 | against o’s ~, bertentangan dgn kehendak sso: you can’t make him do it against his ~, kamu tdk boleh memaksa dia melakukan sesuatu yg bertentangan dgn kehendaknya; at ~, sesuka hati: they let the children wander around the place at ~, mereka membiarkan budak-budak itu merayau-rayau di tempat itu sesuka hati mereka; with a ~, dgn penuh semangat: he started on the job with a ~, dia memulakan kerja itu dgn penuh semangat; of o’s own free ~, mengikut kehendak hatinya sendiri; with the best ~ in the world, niat sso baik: he’ll never make it even with the best ~ in the world, dia tdk akan berjaya melakukannya walaupun niatnya baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
as | the publisher will have to accept the manuscript ~ it is, penerbit terpaksa menerima naskhah itu dlm keadaan begini saja; ~ of, see ~ from; ~ per, menurut, mengikut; ~ so. /likes, wishes, etc/, /sekehendak, sesuka/ hati sso; ~ though, see ~ if; ~ to, tentang, berkenaan dgn; (preceding pron), [various translations]: ~ to your request for better facilities..., tentang permohonan kamu utk mendapat kemudahan yg lebih baik...; ~ to me, I prefer to wait, kalau saya, saya lebih suka menunggu; ~ to you, I think you’d better leave, kamu pula, lebih baiklah kamu pergi; ~ was, dulunya: Jill Sutanto (Jill Cridland ~ was), Jill Sutanto (dulunya Jill Cridland); ~ you were, balik semula; it is not ~ if, bukan: it’s not ~ if he were ill, dia bukanlah sakit; it looks ~ if..., nampaknya, kelihatan: it looks ~ if the war is going to end soon, nampaknya perang akan tamat tdk lama lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blue | till one is ~ in the face, hingga berbuih mulut; /cry, scream, shout/ ~ murder, a. raise great outcry, menentang dgn suara lantang; b. scream loudly, menjerit sekuat-kuat hati; get away with ~ murder, boleh berbuat /sesuka hati, apa saja/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
please | vi 1. be agreeable, membuat orang berasa senang (hati), menyenangkan (hati) orang: she’s a nice girl always so anxious to ~, dia budak baik dan selalu suka membuat orang berasa senang; 2. do what one thinks is desirable or appropriate, suka: you can go there as often as you ~, kamu boleh pergi ke sana sekerap yg kamu suka; 3. do whatever one wishes, sesuka hati: I don’t care, do what you ~, saya tdk peduli, buatlah sesuka hatimu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
law | b. (colloq), (as if with authority) bercakap macam /bijak pandai, tahu benar/: he lays down the ~ on subjects he knows nothing about, dia bercakap macam tahu benar ttg perkara yg langsung tdk diketahuinya; possession is nine points of the ~, berhak, mempunyai hak; (so’s) word is ~, perintah: around here, her word is ~, di tempat ini, kata-katanya ialah perintah; take the ~ into o’s own hands, bertindak /sesuka hati, sewenang-wenang/: no one is entitled to take the ~ into his own hands, tdk seorang pun boleh bertindak sesuka hati; the (long) arm of the ~, (humourous) polis: you can’t escape the long arm of the ~, kamu tdk boleh lari dr polis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
law | b. (colloq), (as if with authority) bercakap macam /bijak pandai, tahu benar/: he lays down the ~ on subjects he knows nothing about, dia bercakap macam tahu benar ttg perkara yg langsung tdk diketahuinya; possession is nine points of the ~, berhak, mempunyai hak; (so’s) word is ~, perintah: around here, her word is ~, di tempat ini, kata-katanya ialah perintah; take the ~ into o’s own hands, bertindak /sesuka hati, sewenang-wenang/: no one is entitled to take the ~ into his own hands, tdk seorang pun boleh bertindak sesuka hati; the (long) arm of the ~, (humourous) polis: you can’t escape the long arm of the ~, kamu tdk boleh lari dr polis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |