fertile | adj (lit. & fig.) subur: ~ soil, tanah subur; ~ eggs, telur subur; his imagination is too ~, imaginasinya terlalu subur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lush 1 | adj 1. luxuriant, verdant, subur: cattle grazing on ~ green pastures, lembu-lembu yg sedang meragut di padang rumput yg hijau dan subur; the ~ growth of tropical rain forests, hutan hujan tropika yg tumbuh subur; 2. (colloq), luxurious, plush, mewah: “this is all very ~,” she said looking around her hotel room, “segalanya serba mewah”, katanya sambil melihat sekitar bilik hotelnya; he is leading a pretty ~ life these days, dia menjalani kehidupan yg agak mewah kebelakangan ini; the floors were covered with ~ carpets, lantai dilitupi permaidani mewah; a ~ job in one of Paris’s fashion houses, pekerjaan mewah di salah sebuah gedung fesyen di Paris. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fat | 4. fertile, subur: ~ pastures, padang ragut yg subur; 5. profitable, menguntungkan; (of profit) lumayan, besar; (of job) bergaji /lumayan, besar/: the tourist industry has had a ~ year, tahun ini merupakan tahun yg menguntungkan bagi industri pelancongan; ~ profits, keuntungan besar; he’s got himself a ~ job, dia memperoleh kerja yg bergaji lumayan; 6. richly rewarding, besar: he was given a ~ part in the play, dia diberi peranan yg besar dlm lakon itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fecund | adj 1. fertile , subur: ~ pastures , padang ragut yg subur; 2. ntellectually productive , produktif: a ~ imagination , imaginasi yg produktif; a ~ era in the history of music, zaman produktif dlm sejarah muzik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
poor | b. (of soil) tdk subur: the soil is ~ and nothing much will grow there, tanah itu tdk subur dan tdk banyak pokok yg akan tumbuh di situ; c. (of weather) buruk: due to ~ weather conditions, all aircraft have been grounded, oleh sebab keadaan cuaca buruk, semua kapal terbang telah diarahkan mendarat; 6. a. (of health) tdk sihat: his health has been ~ lately, kebelakangan ini dia tdk sihat; b. (of eyesight) kabur, tdk terang: as one gets older, one’s eyesight usually becomes ~er, apabila usia seseorang meningkat, penglihatannya biasanya menjadi kabur; c. (of memory) tdk | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
luxuriant | adj 1. abundant, rich, a. (of vegetation) subur: a ~ palm, palma yg subur; b. (of hair) lebat: his beard was black and ~, janggutnya hitam dan lebat; 2. (of style of writing) terlalu berbunga-bunga: expressed in ~ prose, ditulis dlm bentuk prosa yg terlalu berbunga-bunga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flourish | vi 1. thrive, prosper, berkembang (maju): business is ~ing, perniagaan sedang berkembang maju; 2. grow well, /tumbuh, hidup/ subur: roses ~ in a clayey soil, pokok-pokok mawar tumbuh subur dlm tanah yg banyak tanah liatnya; 3. be in good health, segar-bugar, sihat walafiat: we’re all ~ing, kami semua segar-bugar; 4. be at the peak of development, bersemarak: the Gothic style of architecture ~ed in the 13th and 14th centuries, gaya senibina Gotik bersemarak dlm kurun ke-13 dan ke-14; 5. develop strongly, berkembang subur: poetry and drama ~ed in Elizabethan England, puisi dan drama berkembang subur di England dlm zaman Elizabeth; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infertile | adj 1. unable to produce young, mandul, tdk subur; (of animal) mandul; 2. barren, (of land) tandus; (of soil) tdk subur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Fertile Crescent | n Hilal Subur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pre-empt | kebanyakan drpd tanah baik yg subur itu telah diberikan hak terdahulu; 3. acquire or appropriate before others, menduduki terlebih dahulu: they had already ~ed the best positions by the time we arrived, mereka telah menduduki terlebih dahulu kawasan yg terbaik sebelum kami sampai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |