score | 7. (in pl) very large number, banyak: ~s of people waited outside the hall, banyak orang yg menunggu di luar dewan; it has happened ~s of times, perkara itu sudah berlaku banyak kali; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stand | 7. (remain valid) berkuat kuasa; (remain unchanged) tdk berubah: the regulation no longer ~s, peraturan itu tdk berkuat kuasa lagi; the contract ~s as signed, kontrak itu tdk berubah spt yg ditandatangani; in spite of what has happened, my offer still ~s, walau apa pun sudah berlaku, tawaran saya masih tdk berubah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
penetration | n 1. act of entering, penerobosan, penembusan: by regular ~ into enemy territory they were able to collect valuable information, dgn penembusan secara berterusan ke dlm kawasan musuh, mereka dapat mengumpulkan maklumat yg bernilai; 2.infiltration, /penembusan, penerobosan, penyusupan/ ke dlm: the ~ of the unions by undercover communist agents has been going on for years, penyusupan ke dlm kesatuan sekerja oleh gerakan agen komunis bawah tanah sudah berlaku sejak beberapa tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
predestine | vt (fml), (usu pass.) mentakdirkan: what had happened was ~d, nothing would have changed the situation, apa yg berlaku sudah ditakdirkan, tdk ada apa yg dapat mengubahnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unnaturally | not ~, sudah sewajarnya: the graduate not ~ expected to get a reasonable job, siswazah itu sudah sewajarnya menjangka mendapat pekerjaan yg baik; he was not ~ very angry when he found out that his wife was unfaithful to him, dia sudah sewajarnya sangat marah apabila mendapati isterinya berlaku curang terhadapnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
near | she was ~ to tears, dia sudah hampir hendak menangis; the national economy is ~ to collapse, ekonomi negara sudah hampir runtuh; a ~ accident, hampir berlaku kemalangan; a ~ disaster, malapetaka yg hampir-hampir terjadi; 2. closer to the speaker, (di) sebelah sini, terdekat: only one parachutist succeeded in landing on the ~ bank of the river, hanya seorang ahli payung terjun yg berjaya mendarat di tebing sungai sebelah sini; 3. (UK) (of horses, vehicles, etc) on the left, sebelah kiri: the ~ front wheel, roda depan sebelah kiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apparent | adj 1. obvious, nyata, jelas, ketara, terang: it is ~ that war is imminent, sudah nyata or nyatalah bahawa peperangan hampir akan berlaku; symptoms that should have been ~ to any doctor, gejala yg seharusnya telah nyata kpd doktor mana pun; 2. seemingly real, /nampaknya, tampaknya, kelihatan/ spt: we were deceived by his ~ indifference, kami terpedaya oleh sikapnya yg kelihatan spt acuh tak acuh; 3. (phys) ketara: ~ equilibrium, keseimbangan ketara; ~ loss,kehilangan ketara; ~ weight, berat ketara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
touch | be out of ~ with st, tdk mengikuti sst: he is out of ~ with the latest developments in the industry, dia sudah tdk mengikuti perkembangan-perkembangan mutakhir yg berlaku dlm industri itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
towards, toward | 4. close to, approaching (a point in time) menjelang; (a certain age) dekat, hampir: ~ midday the fog lifted, kabus menghilang menjelang tengah hari; it was ~ the end of the journey that the accident happened, kemalangan itu berlaku semasa kami sudah hampir hendak sampai; she must be getting on ~ fifty, umurnya mesti sudah hampir lima puluh tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
up | adj 1. directed or going up, ke atas, naik: the ~ escalator is out of use, eskalator ke atas sudah rosak; 2. (UK), (of train) travelling towards a larger city, ke /kota, bandar/: the ~ trains run every 45 minutes, kereta api ke kota berlepas setiap 45 minit; 3. being repaired, sedang dibaiki: “Road U~”, “Jalan sedang Dibaiki”; 4. going on, taking place, berlaku, terjadi: there’s something ~, ada sesuatu yg berlaku; 5. ahead of o’s opponent, lebih: ~ two holes in a golf match, lebih dua lubang dlm perlawanan golf; 6. being under consideration, sedang dipertimbangkan: the bill is now ~ before Parliament, rang undang-undang itu sedang dipertimbangkan oleh Parlimen sekarang; 7. (of computer etc) in operation, boleh digunakan: thank goodness the bank’s computer is ~ again this morning, syukurlah komputer bank boleh digunakan semula pagi ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |