Maklumat Kata

Carian kata tiada di dalam kamus terkini. Sila rujuk capaian Kamus Dalam Talian ini.
sudah (kata tugas)
1. Bersinonim dengan habis: selesai, siap, beres, berakhir, tamat, usai,

2. Bersinonim dengan telah berlaku: telah berlalu, lepas, lampau, silam,

Kata Terbitan : sudahnya, sesudah, menyudahi, menyudahkan, kesudahan, berkesudahan, kesudah-sudahannya, penyudahan, penyudah,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

high timeadv sepatutnya sudah lama: it’s ~ she got married, she’s nearly forty, sepatutnya sudah lama dia berkahwin, umurnya hampir empat puluh tahun.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
beforehandadv 1. in anticipation, (ter)lebih dahulu: you ought to have told me all this ~, sepatutnya saudara sudah memberitahu saya semua ini terlebih dahulu; please let us know your plans ~, harap beritahu kami rancangan tuan lebih dahulu; 2. (in reference to payment) dahulu: they paid him ~, mereka membayar gaji kepadanya dahulu; be ~ with (st), awal + approp v (sst): she is always ~ with the rent, dia selalu awal membayar sewa; 3. early, awal: to come an hour ~, datang satu jam awal; it’s a good thing to be ~ with your packing, baiklah berkemas-kemas awal.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
beit was not to ~, tdk jadi: they were supposed to be married, but it was not to ~, mereka sepatutnya berkahwin tetapi tdk jadi; 11. travel to, visit, [various translations]: I’ve never been in that theatre, saya belum pernah masuk ke panggung itu; has the doctor been?, sudahkah doktor datang?; where have you been?, ke mana engkau (tadi)?; he’s been and gone, tadi dia di sini tetapi sekarang sudah pergi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contactbe /in, out of/ ~ with, /berhubungan, tdk berhubungan/ dgn; (of fighting units), /bertempur, tdk bertempur lagi/ dgn; (of wires), /bersentuhan, tdk bersentuhan/ dgn: I have not been in ~ with him for a long time now, sudah lama saya tdk berhubungan dengannya; the wires should not be in ~ with one another, dawai itu tdk sepatutnya bersentuhan; bring so. into ~ with, mendedahkan sso kpd: we must bring these young people into ~ with new ideas, kita mesti mendedahkan anak-anak muda ini kpd idea-idea baru; come into ~ with, a. touch, bersentuhan dgn; b. come across, meet, bertemu dgn; (ideas, opinion, etc) menemui: in his job, he comes into ~ with people from different backgrounds, dlm kerjanya, dia bertemu dgn orang dr latar belakang yg berlainan; he came into ~ with several opposing opinions, dia menemui beberapa pendapat yg bertentangan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
libertyn 1. freedom from oppressive control, kebebasan: ~, equality and fraternity were the ideals of the French revolution, kebebasan, persamaan dan persaudaraan adalah menjadi cita-cita unggul bagi revolusi Perancis; individual ~, kebebasan individu; 2. power to do as one wants, kebebasan: parents should allow their children a certain amount of ~, ibu bapa sepatutnya memberi anak-anak mereka kebebasan yg sewajarnya; 3. (usu in pl) right or privilege, hak kebebasan: liberties enjoyed by the rich and powerful, hak kebebasan dinikmati oleh golongan yg kaya dan berkuasa; 4. st done, said without permission, melampau: taking my notes without permission is a bit of a ~, don’t you think?, mengambil nota saya tanpa kebenaran sudah agak melampau, betul tak?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
libertyn 1. freedom from oppressive control, kebebasan: ~, equality and fraternity were the ideals of the French revolution, kebebasan, persamaan dan persaudaraan adalah menjadi cita-cita unggul bagi revolusi Perancis; individual ~, kebebasan individu; 2. power to do as one wants, kebebasan: parents should allow their children a certain amount of ~, ibu bapa sepatutnya memberi anak-anak mereka kebebasan yg sewajarnya; 3. (usu in pl) right or privilege, hak kebebasan: liberties enjoyed by the rich and powerful, hak kebebasan dinikmati oleh golongan yg kaya dan berkuasa; 4. st done, said without permission, melampau: taking my notes without permission is a bit of a ~, don’t you think?, mengambil nota saya tanpa kebenaran sudah agak melampau, betul tak?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
well1adj 1. healthy, sihat, dlm keadaan sihat: he recovered quickly and is now ~ and strong, dia sembuh dgn cepatnya dan sekarang dia sihat dan kuat; fit and ~, (dlm keadaan) sihat walafiat: I hope you and your family are keeping fit and ~, mudah-mudahan kamu sekeluarga (berada dlm keadaan) sihat walafiat; get ~, sembuh: send him a telegram saying “Get ~ soon”, kirimi dia telegram dgn pesan “Cepat-cepatlah sembuh”; not ~, a. ill, sakit: clearly the child is not ~ and should be sent home, ternyata kanak-kanak ini sakit dan sepatutnya dihantar pulang; b. sickly, sakit(-sakit), (ber)penyakitan: our boss hasn’t been ~ for some time now, bos kami sudah beberapa lama sakit-sakit sahaja; not very ~, tdk sedap badan, kurang sihat; 2. (usu withallas subj) satisfactory, baik: is all ~ at school?, adakah semua (berjalan dgn) baik di sekolah?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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